I just cant get thing right mathematically, maybe someone can help me.
If i put a lamp 1.5f above the canopy, according to the inverse square law a 600w HSP(~90K lumens) will make 40K FC(90000/1.5*1.5).
If i want to have 7K lumens per SF it means that i need 600w HSP on every ~5.7 SF area(40000/7000).
Its a lot more then the recommendations here and more then what ive seen on the journals...
What did i calculate wrong ?
Also i want to know if i put the lamp lesser then 1f closer to the canopy(with cool tube), theoretically i should get more lumens then what the bulb originally should "give"(because the original number measured from 1f distance). Is this correct ? If so, how do i calculate things when im closer then 1f?
If i put a lamp 1.5f above the canopy, according to the inverse square law a 600w HSP(~90K lumens) will make 40K FC(90000/1.5*1.5).
If i want to have 7K lumens per SF it means that i need 600w HSP on every ~5.7 SF area(40000/7000).
Its a lot more then the recommendations here and more then what ive seen on the journals...
What did i calculate wrong ?
Also i want to know if i put the lamp lesser then 1f closer to the canopy(with cool tube), theoretically i should get more lumens then what the bulb originally should "give"(because the original number measured from 1f distance). Is this correct ? If so, how do i calculate things when im closer then 1f?