

Well-Known Member
how many lumens will this type of light give out?125w Eco-Light BLOOM 2700K (red/flower)complete with Eco Barn reflector
and is this type of lighting good for my plants.And can anybody tell me where's the best place to buy this type of lighting i want to use side lighting also but not sure how many light iam going to need for 4 plants!!
Thanks inadvance

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Well-Known Member
how many lumens will this type of light give out?125w Eco-Light BLOOM 2700K (red/flower)complete with Eco Barn reflector
and is this type of lighting good for my plants.And can anybody tell me where's the best place to buy this type of lighting i want to use side lighting also but not sure how many light iam going to need for 4 plants!!
Thanks inadvance


Well-Known Member
Light Details
Each 125w lamp provides over 10,000 lumens of light
Output is 100% PAR- the correct spectrum for plants
Compact, high output, efficient energy saving lamps
Generates much less heat than any HID or HPS lamp
Can be touched in use without burning your fingers
Can be placed close to plants, increasing light intensity
Simple to install- no ballasts or heavy contact switches
Envirolites are available in two models.

Envirolite 6100k (kelvin) is a white/blue spectrum lamp ideal for
propogation and vegative stage growing (15,000 hours)

Envirolite 2700k (kelvin) is a red/orange spectrum lamp designed for
flowering stage growing (15,000 hours)


Well-Known Member
vote, kelvin is a means of measuring temperature. to calculate kelvin take celcius and add 273 to it and viola there is kelvin. kelvin is used to calculate absolute zero


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure that's the right question. I think the question is more how many lumens for the area you are growing in...

I'd say about 2500 lumens per square foot and you'll be safe....

i'm growing in a small home made frow room big enough for 1 -3 small bushy plants so my 13,000 lumens is workin fine... i'll probably change to a red spectrum light for flowering but you need blue spectrum light for vegetative period.