Lying To Get Ahead


Well-Known Member
News outlets report on what is "commonplace" for the fucking upper middle class. I'm not interested. It doesn't pertain to me. I don't work the jobs they're talking about and I don't want the "career" they've been selling me since birth. Don't worry. The people who hire for the kinds of jobs I want are not concerned with Big Brother's influence in these ways.

My work history isn't even on facebook. I might have put in an employer or two WHILE I worked there or to keep in touch with people I worked with at a given place. But Facebook is not for this in the first place. I also have my mother and other relatives on my facebook, so it's "clean enough" for whoever to see, save for my anti-prohibition news forwards.

Really doesn't matter, though. I get jobs all the time. It isn't hard.
No I hear you. I've just been around enough now to at least strongly suspect that something like that would be a first step to getting deeper into everyone's business. You or I may not do it, but there are tons of people out there desperate for work and it said high percentages of the job seekers turned over the info. I mean, you see it as a little bullshit thiing that won't harm you, I see it as what's next, they're going to copy your hard drive for later searching to flip burgers?
Also, keep in mind that an absolutely massive number of people on this planet (with internet access) do FB. Growing daily. So, when they get the majority to swallow it...see where I'm going with this?

EDIT: it becomes the way shit is. That is exactly why MJ is illegal now and schedule 1. They got the masses to swallow it.


Why would anyone with a sane mind participate on FaceBook? (that goes for twitter, myspace and all those other garbage sites).

As far as lieing to get a job? Fuck em' all and run your own business. They are all shitty, meaningless, minimum wage jobs anyway. They want you to give up your life and your privacy with background checks, piss tests, etc. And all for what? A peanut paying job with no benefits? Fuck em!


Well-Known Member
No man, I completely agree with you. I don't accept it, hell I'm not even in the game. But they don't need you and I to accept it. We're like the pot heads way back in the day that chanted "FUCK ANSLINGER!" when they wanted to take our weed. Yeah, we raged against the machine. But the feds convinced millions of blue hairs that it was evil and here we are today.
I don't know how anyone could do anything except watch the trainwreck if what they said is true, and people are just coughing their information up when asked. I'm all ears for suggestions, for sure.


Well-Known Member
This is what I see. I used to think (a year or so ago) that something like that was coming. Now, I see that they're ready for it. The Arab Spring happened on twitter. What do we have here now? A shit load of angry Americans, and a government attempting to stay one step ahead with shit like SOPA and the indefinite detention shit. Not to mention all of the fema camps with nobody in them yet.
Ask yourself why they want things like the ability to detain Americans for no reason as long as they want. Or the ability to instantly shut down web sites they see as enemies of the state. Why do they need fema prison camps? So that when the other shoe finally does fall on whatever this giant mess turns out to be, they can do just like all of the other countries in the world who ever implemented plans like this against their people and round up the loud ones and organizers, cut the communication lines and keep the masses of huddles sheep quietly in their pens for fear of disappearing like Johnny and Altarnation did.
5 years ago, if I read the words I just typed I would write that guy off as a lunatic. Now, I just keep coming back to that one thing. Who has these things in history that did not use them? Nobody, that's who.


Well-Known Member
But what "they" say is filtered and probably inaccurate because it is based on a sample of a specific subsection of those whom the fear works well upon...

What I'm basically saying is that you have no reason to believe what "they" say is accurate and to propagate it by repeating it you are putting your stock in it, so to speak.

Anyway... I'm out before this turns into a full-blown philosophy class... I hear you when you say you don't accept it, and I'm glad to hear that. It's just that, by pushing the information forward with an attitude that expects it to get worse, THAT is you doing their dirty work for them.

Just something to consider.
Good point, but nobody reads this except stoners and Feds. The stoners have memory issues. I'm safe there. The feds, well that's just my own ass to worry about.


Well-Known Member
This is what I see. I used to think (a year or so ago) that something like that was coming. Now, I see that they're ready for it. The Arab Spring happened on twitter. What do we have here now? A shit load of angry Americans, and a government attempting to stay one step ahead with shit like SOPA and the indefinite detention shit. Not to mention all of the fema camps with nobody in them yet.
Ask yourself why they want things like the ability to detain Americans for no reason as long as they want. Or the ability to instantly shut down web sites they see as enemies of the state. Why do they need fema prison camps? So that when the other shoe finally does fall on whatever this giant mess turns out to be, they can do just like all of the other countries in the world who ever implemented plans like this against their people and round up the loud ones and organizers, cut the communication lines and keep the masses of huddles sheep quietly in their pens for fear of disappearing like Johnny and Altarnation did.
5 years ago, if I read the words I just typed I would write that guy off as a lunatic. Now, I just keep coming back to that one thing. Who has these things in history that did not use them? Nobody, that's who.

Oh, I'm sure you're right about something coming. But there always is. I'm ready for it. I'd rather die a revolutionary than live a slave. I will fly my free flag in the face of their fear tactics until the day I die, regardless.


Well-Known Member
Your sarcasm meter needs lube. Lol. Again, we're on the same team, you just don't pick up what I'm putting down. If you think I'm the roll over and take it
Lets leave this here, we're not speaking the same language man.


Well-Known Member
Now you're writing off all stoners? LoL. haha. So many people smoke weed. We ARE a voice of the nation.

Also... it's your own ass you should worry about in the first place. At the end of the day, it's not about who else hears your attitude. You're the one who has to go to bed feeling however you feel. I'd rather go to bed feeling brave love for a nation of free thinkers than go to bed feeling fearful of a nation of sheep. Each of us is a sheep and a free thinker... just got to turn on those minds to creative expression and the joys of being themselves instead of following a crowd.

Perspective defines so much of what we experience.
Ok. Well when you figure out whatever rosy happy sheep rousing song we're going to sing, ship me the lyrics.


Well-Known Member
Winter Woman posted a good link to a new NSA computer city being built ($2B) in Utah. 4 wings of 25k s.f. each full of computers to record every phone call, email, google search, text, etc. you ever make. There has been one in Colorado for decades but not as sophisticated. Anyone who would volunteer to put up all of their private life on facebook/myspace/etc is a tool.

Johnny, Cool Hand Luke would think you are cool.