M.I. gamer's


New Member
I think all the game systems are a piece of shit.hell pcs also haven't found one that didn't need to be worked on. ive even seen ps3 burn up. I wont buy any of em anymore. This dude owes me money and hes fixing my xbox if anyone can do it he can. don't want to make you mad but im sure hes better at the shit than you.


New Member
Sorry for sounding like an asshole but he goes to school for this stuff so im confident. hes far from a monkey I just don't have time to do it myself. as a matter of fact I do know a guy that lives in cali who hacked a ps3 he uses a keyboard instead of a controller.

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
Sorry for sounding like an asshole but he goes to school for this stuff so im confident. hes far from a monkey I just don't have time to do it myself. as a matter of fact I do know a guy that lives in cali who hacked a ps3 he uses a keyboard instead of a controller.
Every time I charge my PS3 controller can I say I hacked my controller? I only ask since it appears we are calling hooking up a USB device to a PS3 hacking. PS3 are keyboard/mouse ready, all you gotta do is plug it in, master hacker.


Active Member
Every time I charge my PS3 controller can I say I hacked my controller? I only ask since it appears we are calling hooking up a USB device to a PS3 hacking. PS3 are keyboard/mouse ready, all you gotta do is plug it in, master hacker.
yeah he might not be the smartest,strongest,or the best looking but he know's someone who is!if you have done anything his monkey has one up on ya!bring your monkey on here and let me pick his brain on his c++ programming skills if he has any.



New Member
Yah I checked.. I guess he didn't hack it. he made some kind of chip that plugs into his keyboard and mouse instead of a controller.


Active Member
is that why xbox consistently outsells ps3. oh ya and xbox live has never been hacked and put down for over a month.


New Member
I own both consoles. I use my PS3 mainly for bluray and some exclusives. I find the 360 almost always has the better 3rd party version of games. I also can't stand the PS3 controller for FPS and xbox live is much better for online play and that's my main focus. Online play and shooters, so 360 it is.


Active Member
ok so you have not had your xbox long apparently.xbl has been down before many many times 8^).it was down for two weeks in 07 around the holiday's and many times throughout it's run time.ps3 was attacked in the name of justice not to harm gamer's.sony had a comp inviting some of the best devs around the world to try and hack and no one could crack it.xbox can not say that considering it was hacked in the first six mo "the king kong hack and then the JTAG".ps3 took four years and someone leaking the root key.


Active Member
the attack was done to free an american citizen that was firmly in the clutches of oppression.george hotz was stripped of his rights,incarcerated and robbed by the FBI at the whim of a corp for using his own software on his own machine. i would sacrafice my gaming for a mo without thinking twice to free an innocent individual.

here is there explanation http://youtu.be/nn6wAwKQeBA


Well-Known Member
I own an Xbox 360 S and it's only my second one (my first 360 lasted 5 years without incident). I have played PS3 several times on different games and have never been impressed once. If the PS3 was so much better than more people would have it! Fanboy's cannot make people buy crappy game systems. The sales numbers never lie and there are more Xbox 360 owners than PS3 by a large margin. PS3 has absolutely no exclusives worth a shit and do you want to know why that is? Sony told the developers to go fuck themselves and wouldn't pay more to keep games exclusive! So Sony can go fuck themselves in the ass! I have had Xbox live for 6 years and never had any major issues. The only thing PS3 has over Xbox is a blue ray player and that's it.


Active Member
really no exclusive?god of war,killzone,resistance,metalgearsolid,DC universe online,little big planet,infamous,mod nation racers,gran turismo(3D true 1080),mag,socom,uncharted,heavenly sword,heavy rain,motor storm, and many many more, so who is the fanboy? xbox forces you to buy map packs so you pay 60 bucks for half a game , who's really getting fucked.not to mention having to pay for using your own machine and your own internet connection, which their shitty network has nothing to do with. if a million idiots buy a piece of shit then you do also?your right the statistic's do not lie xbox 23% failure rate compared to .02% on the ps3.and rage and L.A.NOIRE are only one disc on my bluray compared to three on the crapbox.what exclusives does the crapbox have?everyone you claim is exclusive i can buy on the pc which does a much better job 8^)



Active Member
i have gears three and forza 4 SUCKS ASS compared to gran turismo 5.gran turismo is true 1080 and 3D.epic is a sell out piece of shit that does not give two fucks about gaming anymore,just the almighty dollar.gears is the only reason i have a gold membership.FUCK CLIVE'S SELL OUT TOOL ASS. bill's butt bitch.


Active Member
plus the ps eye is actually useful unlike the piece of shit kinect. you can play FPS with the eye unlike kinect. i can make videos edit them them with the program that comes with it and upload it all from my ps3 plus much much more. xbox has nothing but some nerdy cross game chat and kids games like halo and forza. while we have 250 player battles and MMORPG's,bluray,webrowser,bluetooth,universal HDD,free gaming which is equal to the xbox since they both utilize P2P networking and i have said the hardware is more better at hanndling the task then xbox.the new dashboard is a fucking joke that makes me want to throw up every time i turn it on.COMMERCIAL ON EVERY FUCKING PAGE and they still have the nerve to charge us to use our own system's. i'm gonna continue making theme's for my ps3 while you enjoy being a TOOL.

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
I own an Xbox 360 S and it's only my second one (my first 360 lasted 5 years without incident). I have played PS3 several times on different games and have never been impressed once. If the PS3 was so much better than more people would have it! Fanboy's cannot make people buy crappy game systems. The sales numbers never lie and there are more Xbox 360 owners than PS3 by a large margin. PS3 has absolutely no exclusives worth a shit and do you want to know why that is? Sony told the developers to go fuck themselves and wouldn't pay more to keep games exclusive! So Sony can go fuck themselves in the ass! I have had Xbox live for 6 years and never had any major issues. The only thing PS3 has over Xbox is a blue ray player and that's it.
Using your logic Backstreet Boys - Self-Titled (14x Multi Platinum) is a far better album than Jimi Hendrix - Electric Ladyland (2x Platinum). Didn't know you were such a big Backstreet Boys fan. Do you rock out to "I Want It That Way" while playing with your Xbox?


Well-Known Member
Video games and pot have gone hand and hand with me! My first system was a coleco vision. Me and my best friend have been gamming for years. I still remember when I was like 17 and we took some acid and we were playing the first tekken. Just so happens we had a garbage bag full of leaf and we let the pet rabbit run loose in the house....did not take long for the bunny to find the leaf and all hell to break loose with the rabbit. ha ha ha " the night of the rabbit" what a damn good trip.

I game I am up in newaygo. I am currently playing skyrim for xbox. I have owned all 3 ps3 wii and xbox and they all have their good and bad. shit I would own a wii again just to play the new zelda beat twilight. I do not understand the talk of drives and mod I do not have that skill but I can game, and I do. Me and my bestfriend game hard some nights...so hard.

I would like to build a building in which the only purpose of the building is to play video games in someday. Away from the drama of the soon to be teenage daughters and the one eyed wife storming out of the room at 2 in the morning telling me to turn that down.

I game... nice to see you boys do too.