
Another week for.the mobs. Still have just given them water. Two of them seem like they're getting pretty hungry which I wasn't sure was.gonna happen with this strain in this mix. One of the others looks like it almost has too much food and the fourth looks like its still doing fine.
Not sure what I'm gonna feed them, either gonna stay somewhat organic and toss in some bulb tone (which I use outside) or I might just give em a dose of foliage pro on their next watering for a faster effect.


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By the way all.said and.done the single mob plant that this journal started with ended up putting out 68g dry. I'm thinking these smaller plants will probably yield about half that per plant. So I'm guessing between 120-136g off of these four smaller plants.
So these are right around the end of week four I think. Probably let em go another 4-6 depending on what they tell me. On most of these buds I'm already mostly cloudy and have lots of orange hairs. This is common with most m.o.b. variants I've come across but I'm expecting the buds won't really fatten until week .7ish. When they do though I think these plants will do well. They already have rock hard buds for the top 2/3 of the plants without swelling.

I gave the two in the front (that were yellowing) a light dose of dg foliage pro day before yesterday. Hopefully they'll pull out of the heavy yellowing they're going through (or at least slow it down).


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You said the strain had gone downhill the last few years.
Do you know of there are still some strains out somewhere that are as good as the original?
I know one guy somewhat locally that still had the original... but he won't give me a cut. (I even offered a cut of all my strains in return for one of his m.o.b.). So I.know the original is still out there but the only people who have it are the ones that never got rid of it.
Ive been trying out cuts of mob since about 6 months since i got rid of the original. And ive been.disaapointed in my search. If you find the original cut youll know come flower time. The buds start purpling about 2 weeks after site formation, and by week 5 almost the whole plant is purple and pink and shiny with crystals (except for some inside buds which sometimes only get the pink dots through it and maintain a light greebncolour.
Ya it does but at least I know its still out there untainted. Ill probably only really consider getting.cuts of mob if I see the mother (or clone) in flower.
I have enough seed stock to last me quite a while of hunting for something I like so that will distract me for a good bit.
Another week down. Starting to see a fade coming on (mob tends to.fade early for me. Outdoor its a fine line between fade and.die right off with this strain. At least in humid areas.).
Here's the normal pic and a shitty bud shot.


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Late update.. but here's the end of week 7 from 12/12. Probably going to cut on the end of week 9 from 12/12. At least the top halves of the plants anyway (I'm pretty much out of buds haha)


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No, they are more dense than the buds from the bigger plant that this journal started with. I'm sure they won't end up as dense as some of my other strains but that's not.really a concern for me as long as they aren't real airy.
For people who would want to sell their stuff, density is important. But if you smoke it yourself, it doesn't matter that much.
Ya I smoke all of what I grow, just a small grow. Personally i prefer buds that aren't super dense. I like to be able to grab a nug put it in a pipe and smoke it. The really dense buds I've seen just don't seem to burn that well without breaking it up or grinding. I'll toss another pic up later. Probably getting chopped on Sunday.
Kinda been slackin on the updates but i cchopped the two that were in the front a few days ago. Dry weight was just over 68 grams. Still have the biggest one and the one that was in the back right corner.

Really had to.make room for the bombs i have just starting flower. They want the whole space tp themselves haha.