M RATED rap/Grime, lyrically genius epic flow.

Like post some shitty rap vids or something? Dude, seriously, you are drowning and I am trying to save you.This was a 1 star thread. Now it's just half of that. I'm not a mathematician but this is 1/4 star thread now.

You did a good try bro.
It's just a song lol whats that got to do with anything can you not enjoy something different to your taste lol this is talent why are you being so blind.
It's just a song lol whats that got to do with anything can you not enjoy something different to your taste lol this is talent why are you being so blind.
I enjoy music. All types. I've been playing drums for 16 something years now. 20 mins every day. Talent? Uhhh, nope. This is just poppy garbage with your shitty comments attached. Post something original for once, whore.
I LOVE hip-hop, but that shit SUCKS. Nothing original there, they're talking about the same things as every other suck-ass out there: guns, crime, money, hoes, blah, blah, blah. No good metaphors, no great ideas, and the samples are terrible. The funny thing is that you already know that everyone hates your shit, but you insist on posting it anyway. Why? I don't get it. Watching you get trolled is almost worth the shitty music, though...
It's just a song lol whats that got to do with anything can you not enjoy something different to your taste lol this is talent why are you being so blind.

Man don't be coming up in here trying to shove your whack ass music down people's throats no one is blind just because they Don't listen to music outside their preferred genres, from your post I quoted it sounds like you must be one annoying fucking person to be around.

I absolutely can't stand people who say " you need to listen to something different for once" If you told me that in real life I would smack you with my headphones, and then you talk about being open minded, if you're so open minded, why don't you be open minded to the fact that everyone has different tastes and you can't change that.
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Man don't be coming up in here trying to shove your whack ass music down people's throats no one is blind just because they Don't listen to music outside their preferred genres, from your post I quoted it sounds like you must be one annoying fucking person to be around.

I absolutely can't stand people who say " you need to listen to something different for once" If you told me that in real life I would smack you with my headphones, and then you talk about being open minded, if you're so open minded, why don't you be open minded to the fact that everyone has different tastes and you can't change that.
Goodshit, skywalker. Wish you luck on your ventures, dude. Cheers.
What enquiring minds want to know is, why hasn't this guy been arrested for stealing, nevermind sullying, the good name of a perfectly innocent fictional superhero?

I'm American you say that like we actually own a country . When in fact the government could give a fuck about you or me. We are just the worker bee's