maby a dumb question but.........


i have a plant growing in a confined area with a 400w hps. ventilation is crucial. within the house it is very obvious what is going on cause the door to the room must be open for ventilation. The plant is 7 weeks into flower and is doing great. I am quite sure there is about 2 more weeks of before i can chop it down, heres my question - can I remove the hps and replace it with cfls to finish it off?
I have people coming over for a week and the door to the grow room has to be closed thus restricting proper venting. The heat from the hps with the door closed would fry the plant without a doubt.
Can CFLs finsh the job without ruining the potency or yield? I have no other options.


Well-Known Member
Its possible but in a confined space without any form of ventilation they will still get seriously hot man. I had 3 250 watt cfls in a small space and im sure they were almost as bad on heat as a 400 hps.



Well-Known Member
you could but it will decrease your yeild they put a lot of weight on in the last few weeks and switching you light wouldnt do you any favours:peace: