Macgyver setup


Well-Known Member
yeah it won't die most likely, but it isn;t exactly goo either... it is going to direct a lot of it's energy now to healing itself when it would all be going to making buds... gonna def lessen the yield.. bummer man sorry to hear that... and yeah put your fan on a timer when the light is off to maintain a warmer temp while lights are off.. have something on low though to keep the air circulating...


Active Member
Im surprised how well my light works, it has buds already, and its only been 4 days! and i even gave pics to illustrate my happiness!


Active Member
Since my last post, i broke the door off my cupboard. ha clumsy me! and ive also covered the cupboard with white mylar.

when the light is on it can get to about 30 degrees C and 30% humidity. it normally sits at 40 Humidity :)
and when the lights are off it can drop to 10 degrees C with 80% humidity. it normally sits at 15 degrees C. Anyone have advice on that?

I was having problems with the fans and noise, so i wrapped it around an old shirt and 1 around a shopping bag. It has seemed to dull the noise a little :)
Ive also put my light on a chain to adjust to height to where ever i see fit :)

Also, how much do u think i will yield?

All positive and helpful comments and suggestions will be rep'd :) :hump:

Here are the pictures! Enjoy :)



Active Member
My stem doubled in size in the last week, and there are nice buds everywhere! :D and their heavy/dense too, i recon its harvest time in 2 weeks :hump: Ill post pictures in the next few days :weed:


Active Member
My stem doubled in size in the last week, and there are nice buds everywhere! :D and their heavy/dense too, i recon its harvest time in 2 weeks :hump: Ill post pictures in the next few days :weed:
Wow the thread is still going. :-) Nice work man. Glad it is working out for you.