Well-Known Member
Well, I did some research... it turns out that this is the larvae of a lady bug. Cryptolaemus montrousieri, in fact... also known as the Mealeybug Destroyer. The adult is black with a redish orange head and they prey on mealeybugs and other types of scale, so I guess they really are cute after all.I have no idea what this bug is...
... but it's cute... kinda...
View attachment 263426 View attachment 263427

There's a bit of info on the bug here, if you're interested.
Well actually, it's the same bush that my tiny little spider friend was on... that's his web...are there any spiders living there? because i se a spiderweb
View attachment 264221
There are so many amazing things under the sea that most people never really get to see. I can see why you guys love diving so much. I doubt I'll ever get to do any really serious diving... I'm an asthmatic and my lungs are shit. It feels like they're going to explode if I dive to the bottom of a swimming pool, so I doubt I'll ever get to go deep.That TOTALLY reminds me of a nudibranch. Nudi = naked; branch = lung. Naked lungs.

we just posting random google pics now?
Viable argument...Hardly random (first one has to know precisely what they're looking for), there was an entire train of thought that went along, and I'm pretty sure it was posted along with. They're all photos of creatures that are quite small, thusly requiring extreme close-up and meeting the qualification of "macro". Also, they're all pictures of things I know we've photographed, but I don't have access to Dave's computer or harddrive, so I went with the next best thing(s).

...but I like rocks. Rocks r kool.Of course, I can go take some pix of gravel and put them up, but I think they'd be just as random.![]()

all that yipayap about what to do with your camera, i thought you would have some of your own, since your camera is up again. my bad, sorry.![]()
Flew right over your head, eh?![]()
don't you have some plants to kill? hahhahahhahahaha![]()

you have powdery mildew. you should deal with that.

I won't tell you that I added some google pics too... but only for the sake of providing information and education. That's my excuse and I'm sticking with it.

Agreed...those are some nice ass buds bro...
Like always..