mad drooping, please help


FF big bloom, tiger bloom, and grow big (only fed once [just bought and decided to try it] only 1/4th strength)
only watered when top of soil is dry and the whole pot is lighter.
125w cfl
temp: 72 with the lights on, not much lower when lights off.
MG organic choice potting mix
water ph -6.4-6.5
good ventilation

This is technically my first plant and was originally started just for fun. I then realized how much i enjoyed growing so i looked more into it. the plant stretched pretty bad because i had no idea what i was doing( i know a little more now but have a lot more learning to do). anyway, i checked the plant a few nights ago and it was doing very well considering the stretch and the fact that it was from the crappiest bag known to man(was just an experiment), but the next day i went to check and it looked like the pictures below. when it looked good, every leaf/branch was < 90* angle upwards with the main stalk. i haven't watered it for over a week to see if it was just because of over watering, but nothing has changed. i dont have a soil ph tester, but the water/food was at the ph listed above. even though its a shitty plant, i would really like to save it...


Well-Known Member
Dude those plants are done....
Sorry I don't know why.
R us supposed to use nutes with that soil, or does the soil have nutes in it?


Well-Known Member
that plant looks like it is almost definitely on its way out. those leaves that are wilted look like they are gonna dry up and fall off... your plants look shocked to shit, was your soil pre-nuted?

edited to add:
you didnt just pour like youre nute shit straight out the bottle into the pot did you? do you have a ppm meter? like, i dont even know what a person could do to make a plant that angry. maybe your ph meter is broke.


Active Member
for your next grow take a couple of tips, youve made mistakes with this one and thats a good thing because your learning and wont make any mistakes like you have again.
1. go very easy on nutes, i start of with 2 droplets and see how the plant reacts as some plants act different when introduced.
2. make sure you have fresh air going into your grow space, even if temps fall a bit they need some fresh air over there leaves.
3. water when needed, if the pot feels light then water, depending on the plant size and pot.
4. keep your temps as steady as you can and try not to let them fluctuate between night and day.
5. this should be number one but PH your water, for a soil grow get it to about 6.5 and then make sure you do this at every watering.
you should not really use nutes once as it needs to be introduced and then kept up at small doses, the plants dont have enough nutrients in the soil to keep them going as it gets burned up.
6. dont worry about making mistakes, next year you will be on here giving another first time grower advise.
stick with it and good luck with the next grow.
ps, opinions are like assholes, everyones got one and likes it to be heard, so dont worry about conflicting information you get. do some reading and dont do anything extreme for smaller probs.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Yeah, that thing is fucking dead. I have no idea what could cause that, if not heat and lack of access to water, other than some really terrible root rot or fungal issue.

Something happened. That's for sure. My first thought was heat and moisture. I don't think it would be nutritional.

Sorry bro.


Active Member
jesus christ himself could not bring that back to life. the epitaph should read loved the sun but got too much and forgot to drink water. if you could imagine sticking a plastic bag on your head and sitting in the sun for a week with no water, you would feel just how that plant looks.
next time lurpy you know where not to go wrong.


no i mixed the nutes in with water and i would have watered it, but the top of the soil wasn't even dry yet. the ph meter was brand new and i calibrated it exactly to the instructions and i checked the ph of the food and it was fine. i had a fan on constantly with fresh air going in and coming out at all times. the soil had nutes in it, but the bag said after two months the nutes will be gone. but thanks a lot for the advice. i have another plant 3 weeks into vegging so hopefully that little girl will make up for least i didn't pay for the beans i guess :dunce:


Active Member
lurpy what sort of ph meter are you using, is it plastic with two sticks that go into the soil or is it a chemical one where you put soil in a little bottle with solution(there shite), the one with the stick is better. always read the ph an hour after watering because they dont seem to read well in dryish soil for some reason. also move your thermometer further up the cupboard to get a more accurate reading. also make sure you are using quite large pots (round) as better for root system. if there is anything you are unsure of no matter how silly you can message me.
also i found it much better to just ph my own water with a 6.5 ph kit available from any pet shop and it takes the chlorine out for you aswell which hurts the plants.
good luck with your next grow.


the ph meter i use is a yellow and black digital one with a sensor bulb or something. i still need something for testing the soil. i always leave the water out for over 24 hours so the chlorine can evaporate. but thanks a lot for all the help. i'll definately be back with more questions eventually hahah.