Made a mistake!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hello all, i accidently left a light bulb on in my room for possibly 1-3 days during week 3 of flower, i have switched the bulb off now but the plants dont seem to be as heavy budded as i would of expected for the week they are now on. is it possible they have been set back a few days because ive had 24 hour light during these 1-3 days?


Well-Known Member
Of course they aren't as heavily budded. They were confused. Just keep doing what you were doing before the screwup. It will be fine.


New Member
My bet is on a very late herm.. Good luck

Do what you want. Start over. Keep going. Buy a timer. Look into autoflowers


Well-Known Member
what im asking is have i lost out in yield due to the 1-3 days lost on 12/12 or will the yield not be affected and just harvest 3 days late?


New Member
There's no way to say man. Ya can't tell the future you don't know what you would have yielded and when to harvest. So how would you know if the 3 days effected anything or not Therefore it doesn't matter and you should look past it


Well-Known Member
The first thing you need to understand is your girls are NOT on a time line, they won't finish 3 days late because you screwed up the photoperiod, they will be done when they are done.... BUt don't worry to much just keep an eye out for herms...


Well-Known Member
You just got set back a little. The plants got confused. Your yield wont be effected but will take longer to finish up.


Well-Known Member
yeah thanks all, i dont think i will have hermies, do they just start to grow little balls? i always use a magnifying glass to tell when they are done and i can tell if theres a change in yield as i usually know what to expect. thanks everyone for ur advice and help