made some brownies


Active Member
i got fucked up and started hallucinating then passed out. first time trying making brownies heres how i did it. i ground up 1 jar of buds in the blender then added 1/2 cup vegetable oil in the blender and mixed. then scooped that into the brownie mixed and baked for 50 minutes or until toothpick doesnt stick. i was hungry and when they were done i ate 6 brownies.
lol, nice.

Next time, when you have an hour to spare, use butter and plant material in hot water. Bring it just below boil stirring constantly and remove from heat. Strain the mixture through a somewhat fine strainer to remove the plant material. The stuff that gets you high is 90%+ removed to the butter. I'll do a second hot water rinse with my sprayer to get the stuff left in the plant material. Place the strained water in the fridge and let cool. The oil/THC mix will solidify on the top of the water, and you can just pick it out with a fork. Use 1:1 in a recipe. That'll be a much higher quality brownie and will obviously have a fraction of the plant taste you had. It'll even look fairly normal. Although I'm sure yours would fit right in on St Patricks day :)
Smokin has it. I made some canna butter 1 oz of shake. I used half a lb of butter which is half the recommended amount of butter for 1 oz of cannabis. I made 4, 6 by 3 inch by 1 inch tall brownies. I ate them all and I was way surprised at how stoned it got me. I stayed awake for three hours feeling amazingly high. Then I fell asleep and woke up a few hrs later and still had a nice buzz going. I would not recommend doing what I did if you have places to go.
i was very surprised how fucked up i got. i had been smokin bud all day and didnt expect to get high off a few brownies so i ate 6 of em haha. i definitly would rather make butter/oil so im not eating the weed but the way i did it works fine. do you think i can just simmer ground up buds in some vegtable oil then strain it and use?
You're mixture should not get much above 200 degrees f, that's why you use water. Temp is limited to 218. THC releases to vapor at around 230, so I usually take it off right at boiling.

Simmer it directly with no or little water and you'll vaporize THC into the atmosphere.

Once it's in the butter, baking at highr temps is Ok. As you well know, lol.
i dont really understand the butter water thing you talk about so i guess ill just stick to what i know works. my mom threw away the rest of the batch cause she ate 2 and thought she was on acid so ill have to make them and hide them from her lol.
You don't understand that butter has an extremly low melting point and solidifies when it's cooled to even room temperature? How old are you?