Made some cannabrownies. How do I use them?


Active Member
I just made some cannabutter last night and decided to make some chocolate chip / brownie mix concoction as thats the only pre mix in the whole store that requires butter, all the rest used oil.

Anyhow I made them and they look great. Now how do I use them? I usually use my vape and then eat and food tastes so great and tv is so much better.

So what do I do with these? Eat the brownies before I eat dinner? What can I expect as far as how I feel? Im anxious. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I just made some cannabutter last night and decided to make some chocolate chip / brownie mix concoction as thats the only pre mix in the whole store that requires butter, all the rest used oil.

Anyhow I made them and they look great. Now how do I use them? I usually use my vape and then eat and food tastes so great and tv is so much better.

So what do I do with these? Eat the brownies before I eat dinner? What can I expect as far as how I feel? Im anxious. :leaf:
Serious? Sure you haven't already started eating the batter? Eat those brownies. What else are you going to do smoke them?

I find the high to be stronger, last longer and be more sedating than smoking. Have fun


Well-Known Member
well I'm gunna go with eat them. I prefer an empty stomach cuz you'll wanna eat more later. try one or two then finish them all mmmmm. they are best eaten with friends.