Mag Deficiency? pics

ah gotcha, i cant defenetely get my hands on some foxfarm. what i got now is just somethin i picked up at the gardening section lol.

i had this one idea however if i could get my hands on some fox farm, would i be able to add half a shot of nutes of the stuff i have no (full shot last three months) then in a month an a half or so when the nutrients have been used up i add some fox farm product full shot for the flowering stage? so then i can get that extra month an a half -2 months of flowering caus its only like 14" rite now an i was tryin to get it as tall as possible before flowering for a high yeild
ya, that would work...just get her some phosphorus as soon as you can...and try and get on a feeding schedule. may i ask why the random feedings? and such a long time in between?
yah im having some trouble finding a damn nutrient 4-10-5 or something close to that thats used for herbs, ive found some stuff on foxfarm but every nutrient seems to be for a spacefic type of plant so im just not even sure what to get.

but see ive never been super good with nutrients im just now taking the time to learn them, my whole idea was to veg in the potting soil until flowering with no exttra added nutes, and then by the time it was flowering all the nutreints in the potting mix woulda been used up, so i was gonna then add nutrients a week before flowering so it had enough until it was finished. but now i seem to have a deficiency so i godda add nutes early to fix the deficiencys, but by the time i want to flower the plant will most likely have used up all the added nutes im about to put in so im guessing id need some more nutes to make it threw flowering.
like i said im bad with nutes i need to get on a regular scheduel with nutrients and have a set plan everytime
haha i dont know a damn thing about hydroponics i went straight to soil an thats all ive ever grown hydro would be a completely different concept to me
Do you have a magnifying glass to look at the underside of the leaves? It COULD be critters gnawing at them like gobskill said. But I'm still thinking P. If you DO add nutes, do so at half strength. Hijinxx, you're not a douche, thats your method that works for you. I found that trying to maintain that delicate balance was too much trouble and went the other way, Totally organic and I don't deal with this shit either.
But despite what the dude said earlier, it is in NO WAY an N def. No wonder newbies get confused.
there is 2 line-ups fox farms that i is liquid, and the other is soluble...both trios...liquid: grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom. soluble: cha ching, open sesame, and beastie blooms...any of them will work...if i had to pick between 2 nutrients from both trios, i would pick grow big for veg, and cha ching for bloom.
yeah i think i do im about to go check the undersides rite now, damn pest problem is the last thing i need, im gonna do that before i decide to add any nutes but i was literaly just about to go add half strength into it an see if that helps it, but imma check first. but alrite ya it doesnt seem like a N def caus all the pics of a N def show yellow ass leaves an none of mine are like that at all an thats the first time i had heard someone tell me it was an N def. but ya man imma newbie i mean ive had a few grows an shit but i never got down my proccess of it caus each grow was so spaced apart i had to re learn a bunch of shit. but yah imma check for bugs if there arent any hello nutes.

u think making a epsom salt/water mix would possibly help if for some crazy ass reason it is a mag def or somethin? caus i dont believe it would hurt it it could really only help it
ill def be getting my hands on some of that, if i dont use it for this grow def the next, ill atleaste be able to use the cha ching for bloom since ill be needing something for bloom in 2 months
there is 2 line-ups fox farms that i is liquid, and the other is soluble...both trios...liquid: grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom. soluble: cha ching, open sesame, and beastie blooms...any of them will work...if i had to pick between 2 nutrients from both trios, i would pick grow big for veg, and cha ching for bloom.
yeah i think i do im about to go check the undersides rite now, damn pest problem is the last thing i need, im gonna do that before i decide to add any nutes but i was literaly just about to go add half strength into it an see if that helps it, but imma check first. but alrite ya it doesnt seem like a N def caus all the pics of a N def show yellow ass leaves an none of mine are like that at all an thats the first time i had heard someone tell me it was an N def. but ya man imma newbie i mean ive had a few grows an shit but i never got down my proccess of it caus each grow was so spaced apart i had to re learn a bunch of shit. but yah imma check for bugs if there arent any hello nutes.

u think making a epsom salt/water mix would possibly help if for some crazy ass reason it is a mag def or somethin? caus i dont believe it would hurt it it could really only help it

Check first, it could very well be some really tiny critters (Knock wood, I've never had a bug prob other than gnats).
And don't worry, it is most definitely NOT an N deficiency, I can assure you. Like I said, it's no wonder newbies get confused. You have no Idea who to listen to, and some people just throw anything out there.
As far as the Epsom goes, I use a teaspoon per gal every other watering or so just as a "tonic". I used to use Cal/Mag at half strength, but now I have a great bucket of water I keep eggshells at the bottom for about a month and then add epsom salts to that for watering. It does the plants good.
Fox farm is some good shit, but if you have a ppm meter test it.. 1 ts is only around 200ppm so your gonna want 2-3 ts's per gallon
Check first, it could very well be some really tiny critters (Knock wood, I've never had a bug prob other than gnats).
And don't worry, it is most definitely NOT an N deficiency, I can assure you. Like I said, it's no wonder newbies get confused. You have no Idea who to listen to, and some people just throw anything out there.
As far as the Epsom goes, I use a teaspoon per gal every other watering or so just as a "tonic". I used to use Cal/Mag at half strength, but now I have a great bucket of water I keep eggshells at the bottom for about a month and then add epsom salts to that for watering. It does the plants good.

I can assure you that it IS lacking Nitrogen
OK, what about the pics to you is symptomatic of an N def.? I have never been the final word. Please PM me with the results so we don't jack this thread.
Hey everyone in entitled to their opinions right? What he chooses to do is really up to him. A good way to solve all your problem (besides bugs) is to foliar feed with a quality nutrient. Whatever the problem may be that will fix it
And not tryin to sound like a dick but there are alot of different symts a plant can show when lacking nitrogen, not just yellowing and not always just at the bottom
and a little word of advice, keep your N higher when you start to flower or your gonna get ALOT of yellowing
well thank god theres no bugs i checked probly every leaf but nah nothin underneath the only thing i would see is a small fragment of soil matter that i first thought was a bug but wasnt, but yah tru shit whenever someone post something like that its confuses the shit out of me caus it throws even more option on the board but its all good theres plenty of other people to correct that person as u can see haha
but yah im gonna work on gettin that epsom salt an water mix go an do the same just water it with that every other time an use it to spray the foliage of the plant

but good news, (not really good news butt) i just tested the phosphorus in my soil and its popping up as adequate to deficient instead of sufficient. so i think all i need is a lil bit of nutes an imma be all good!!