maggets in soil?


Well-Known Member
well this isnt the first time ive noticed it,But today i saw what looked like maggets coming to the top of the soil when i had finished flushing...

now i know its not normal but do u think it will affect the plant????
fucked if i know where they came from ,maybe the worm castings? or maybe the live worms in the pots ?there is about 50-80 live worms in the pots ,could it be from them?

should i worry??
fuc aye dude that explaines it...i used organics for the first month of vegg then mg and stoped using it pretty quickly,when i noticed the plant didnt like it.
Those are Gnats, After you water they come up to the top to breath fresh air. If left in your soil long enough, they feed off your roots. i.e. Kill your roots.

Get some safe pestiside Lightly spray once a day for a couple of days.

Maybe add some mason sand on top of your soil, This will help.
A layer of sharp sand for the larvae, plus sticky traps for the adult gnats is the usual treatment, and works well.

If you don't have too many plants on different watering schedules, you can get rid of larvae simply by not watering for a while. Wet soil is their food source, and when it's allowed to dry up, they die off. This happens long before your plants will die from underwatering.
Since its yours billyblunt, im glad you got em.. I hope they eat your whole damn crop u racist POS.


Shit I hope I'm not helping a racist but:

Just put an inch of sand on top of the soil, they'll be gone forever shortly if you do that. No big deal.
Diatomaceous earth consists of fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of hard- shelled algae. and plants alive should send you some right quick. they will get cut up on the sharp edges and dehydrate....stealthy silent death for those lil bastards...