Magic Aero-4 Hydro Kit


Well-Known Member
Alternative Garden Supply - Hydroponics & Indoor Gardening Super Store

Thats the link to the setup i will be purchasing. How many Daylight CFL's should i buy and have hanging for it? And it seemed a good price with all the gardening supplies for it too, do you guys think it will be ok? I've have previously tried to grow in soil, so I'm not too familiar with growing in this type of medium. Any and all advice much appreciated, I will post a grow journal when ready.


Well-Known Member
I know with CFLs, the more the better you really cant have too many? Sorry I don't know the minimum you would need though.


Well-Known Member
But does the kit itself look like it would work? Only thing im worried about it space for four plants in that bucket. should i only grow 2 or will that be ok? Are the ph uppers and downers and the nutes ok for using throughout the entire grow?


Well-Known Member
if you just want a basic system, I would spring for a 150w or 250w hps system. A 150 wouldn't produce any more heat that all of the cfls you would eventually end up buying. You could start with 4x65w cfl's, daylight spectrum, but as the plant grows, you'll need to keep buying them to cover the rest of the canopy, or else you'll only get bud at the very tip top. Trust me, I know. I've done two cfl grows (in soil) and on my current and 3rd grow, I have gone to hydroponics and a 250w MH/HPS switchable system.

As far as the system goes, it doesn't look too bad. You won't be able to grow massive plants with it, but you should be able to get 3 feet out of them before it get's crowded.


Well-Known Member
BTW, I can't see what kind of nutrients they are. I would personally get some General Hydroponics Flora series. It's what I use, and it seems to be okay. But I don't know, everybody has a favorite I guess. Others might tell you something else. Check out Hydroponics | Hydroponic Supplies for cheaper light prices. If you're hell bent on cfl's, might wanna check out the big 125w cfl fixtures. Of course, by the time you buy one of those, you could have spent a little more money and gotten a small HPS system. Remeber, I'm not nagging on you or anything, if you light it properly, it'll grow good bud with cfls. Good luck.