Interesting article...thanks for posting. I suspect that many of the same benefits can be had with LSD, too. Unfortunately, with these past few decades of prohibition, it hasn't been easy even for legitimate scientific researchers to conduct studies of the it could be another long while before their legal prescription for therapeutic purposes becomes commonplace.
I've always been a big fan of shrooms. Not that easy to grow your own in SoCal, since most online places don't ship to Calif, apparently. I have read of a few places that will do it, supposedly, but haven't tried ordering any yet. I have a small stash of 4-acetoxy DMT that I use occasionally for my own "experiments"...but it doesn't store very well, so I suspect some of it has degraded over the years. At some point in the future I'll try growing some of my own mushies anyways, since I expect there would be differences in effects between natural and synthetic sources.