Hi there. I have been holding on to a bottle of Clear Springs 190% proof for over a year now ( afraid to use it....lol). I finally decided to try tincture in MB2. I decarbed 17 g good bud and 50 g trim in oven, then added that and 2 cups of alcohol to MB2 machine and made tincture (130 degrees for 4 hours). I wanted to get rid of the alcohol so I double boiled it down to 1 oz liquid tar.
My questions are:
1: Can I put this ounce of liquid tar, with 2 cups of glycerin back into the machine again to make a strong tincture out of it?
2. If need be can I add more Clear Springs to get liquid tar out of container.
I made two newbie mistakes: First when pouring out tincture I looked to see how much sludge was left and got a whiff of fumes. This put me out of commission for about and hour (could not stand up......lol.) Second, when double boiling off the alcohol I tilted top pot too far and got water in with my tincture. That is why I was only left with 1 oz tar, I had to evaporate water off.