Magnesium Deficiancy?


Well-Known Member
Cant pin point the problem

Temp: 75
Humidity: 25
2nd week of flowering (12-12)
400 watt MH bulb
filtered water when needed
used a gio grow(2-.01-6.6) and bio bloom(1.1-2.5-2) 2 weeks ago and had nute burn so flushed and the plants havnt been the same (they had deficiencies before i used the nutes)

I think it may be a magnesium (because of the rust spots) or sulfer deficiency. what do you think there is also some leave that have become spindly



Well-Known Member
Yup that looks like a mag deficiency to me dude
I would pick up a mag supplement like calmag+ by botanicare, CaMg+ by general hydroponics, or MagiCal by technaflora to name a few


Well-Known Member
I guess you can but I would leave that to the foot baths, if you have a deficiency now than the nutes you are using don't have enough mag for the plants
I would use some epsom salt as a quick fix but def looking into a calcium/magnesium supplement


Well-Known Member
From the same site that GC posted from, here is a pic of what they call a mag deficiency

You should not have nitrogen deficiency this early into flowering

There is a link. Notice how similar your leaves look to the pic I posted?
That is because you have a mag deficiency not nitrogen
This is what is said with the pic that greencross posted: As seen in figure 10 consumption of nitrogen (N) from the fan leaves during the final phase of flowing is 100% normal.
Would you consider where you are at the final phase of flowering? I sure hope not lol
You have a magnesium deficiency


Well-Known Member
Good luck dude

i have done three cycles of 2 teaspoons of epsom salts per gallon (halved between two plants)
and nothing seems to have changed except maybe worse, there is more of a darker discoloration on the leaf. the leaves from top to bottom are yellowing with brown tip edges and then dieing. interestingly enough the leaves in the third pick have been like that for a long time and arnt dieing

i dont know whats up

