magnesium deficiency foliar feeding question.


Hi everyone, I am having some issues with magnesium deficiency from my soils pH being too high. While im correcting the pH of the soil how often should i be foliar feeding with 1/2 teaspoon of epsom salt per quart? I cant seem to find any info on this as i think everything i read is just for general up keep which says once a week. I dont know if i should foliar feed more if it is for a deficiency? Let me know what you guys think? Thanks


Well-Known Member
I've only had to use foliar a few times(for deficiencies), and I'd feed one day, then plain water the next. I'd do that til I got 3 feedings in, and by then you should have the soil straightened out. You should also consider giving them a foliar feed with fert mix, because if the PH is outta whack they'll be showing other nutrient deficiencies, soon. Better to stay ahead, than behind. :)


I've only had to use foliar a few times(for deficiencies), and I'd feed one day, then plain water the next. I'd do that til I got 3 feedings in, and by then you should have the soil straightened out. You should also consider giving them a foliar feed with fert mix, because if the PH is outta whack they'll be showing other nutrient deficiencies, soon. Better to stay ahead, than behind. :)
The clones are only 2 weeks old since being transplanted into fox farm ocean forest soil. The pH got thrown off because my waters pH was to high, i have been watering with 6.0 corrected pH water. Hopefully its corrected soon. I dont plan on fertilizing till flowering but, maybe it wouldnt hurt to foliar feed with some basic nutes. What do you recomend for a basic foliar feeding mixture during veg? I dont have a hydroponic shop around, but i do have basic retail shops walmart, homedepote, etc. Let me know what you think?


Well-Known Member
Ahh, didn't realize they were so young. In that case, don't worry about using regular fert for the foliar feeding. Once they stabilize and start taking off in the FF soil, they won't need any nutes for awhile. Also, I don't foliar feed at all, unless it's an emergency. It isn't necessary when you're using good soil and good ferts, and IMO, the mess isn't worth the hassle.LOL Also, as you probably know, foliar feeding isn't a good idea late in bloom, because you'd be asking for bud mold.


Ahh, didn't realize they were so young. In that case, don't worry about using regular fert for the foliar feeding. Once they stabilize and start taking off in the FF soil, they won't need any nutes for awhile. Also, I don't foliar feed at all, unless it's an emergency. It isn't necessary when you're using good soil and good ferts, and IMO, the mess isn't worth the hassle.LOL Also, as you probably know, foliar feeding isn't a good idea late in bloom, because you'd be asking for bud mold.
I plan on stopping foliar feeding as soon as the leaves are in their proper condition. So just to clarify you suggest i hold off on foliar feeding mg today and just use normal water, then tomorrow once again foliar feed with mg?