Magnesium deficiency


Morning everyone.

Just trying to figure out what the problem is with my plants. I am almost positive it is a magnesium deficiency but just looking for other opinions before i act.

Thank you.IMG_0028[1].jpgIMG_0027[1].jpgIMG_0025[1].jpgIMG_0026[1].jpgIMG_0032[1].jpg

thanks for the help guys/girls

Happy growing!


there were at one point, however no longer. Those are just the left over webs that i have yet to clean off. Spidermites however would not cause that to occur.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
What pH & what substrates are you using? Your plants are displaying broad-spectrum deficiencies and no one nutrient is to blame. Either the pH is locking out many nutrients or they just need to be fed.


there were at one point, however no longer. Those are just the left over webs that i have yet to clean off. Spidermites however would not cause that to occur.
Well then, I guess there's nothing left to do but pound it with Epson salts....:roll:

Good luck

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
The spotting is from spider mites.

The general yellowing is a Potassium/Magnesium deficiency late in flowering. If you are using a good deal of calcium still you should cut out as much of that Ca++ as you can to assist the uptake of K+ and Mg++. Electrically they all compete for uptake.

Judging by the look of your flowers you are past day 45 into flowering. Often times this is when leaves naturally begin to autumn off, especially on 8-9 week strains. What you see is not completely natural, and you probably have one last chance to dose the plant with a good PK boost, including magnesium, and then let it finish up.

And unless you used a variety of treatments, like lady bugs, neem oil, pesticides as both a spray and soil saturation, as well as utilized toxic CO2 ppm levels maintained long enough to suffocate those that aren't on the plants... You still have some mites in there. Stay vigilant and don't ever think you have outsmarted the borg.


Active Member
You still have some mites in there. Stay vigilant and don't ever think you have outsmarted the borg.
This brother has it right on in my humble opinion as far as mites the deficiency is a number of issues as Mothers Finest suggests but on the spidermites... well I have only dealt with the dreaded spidermite twice in about 8 years of growing and both times I am sad to say the only way I got PERMANENTLY rid of them was to stop growing entirely for a few weeks and bombed the hell out of the place like world war II just cause you don't see THEM doesn't meant they are not there, keep an eye out for new evidence of their existence it will pop up trust me.