magnetic field, increase yield?


Well-Known Member
i read somewhere that if you grow with 6 hertz worth of a magnetic field around your plants, they grow faster, bigger, and yield more weight. there was a university study done on plants, compare and contrast identicle conditions. the plants wit the six hertz were noticably better grown...:weed:does anyone have any experience or anything to comment on that?.... a magnetic field generator costs like 9 bucks or sumthin... u have to wire it but thats easy.


Well-Known Member
haha i was way stoned when i read that, its in the advanced forum hahaha oops sorry. but still does anyon have any experience?

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
I remember hearing a long time ago that plants under power lines grew bigger. To do with magntic Fields. Could be a handy way of increasing yeald.


Well-Known Member
ye i bought one and i think im going to incorporate it when it gets here, i have to do all the wiring but all it is is a oscilator.