magnum xxxl reflector review


Active Member
im thinking about switching my 2 yieldmaster relector for the new magnum xxxl i have 25 plants under 2 600 watt hps WITH LIGT MOVER AND 4 gallon pots its going to cost me about $440 is that a good investment or should i find a better way to spend my money:?:


sorry I cant awnser your question. I got a 6" magnum recently and it spreads light really well. I was using the cheap econo wing, it dosent even come close to the way the magnum preforms in my room, Im using a sun hut XL, the magnum is pretty heavy though, kind of bulky and akward but its not bad once you get it in place, but for the way it preforms, who cares if its bulky


Well-Known Member
Spend your money else where. Magnums are built like shit. I had one come ripped up from the factory. And my other 2 (one a replacement for the ripped one) both can't have the side frames screw back into place. Once you unscrew the unit to screw in a bulb the unit's shape shifts and nothing fits quite right (expect to fix the side supports with a jeweler's file).

Another annoyance is how small the bolts are. Also don't expect the hoods to be light or air tight. They have mad gaps. Also the threads for the screws are part of the unit's weakest spots. It's easy to screw up the threading and it's also really easy to fuck up the sides of the unit if you screw your bolts in too tight. Why the threading is made out of the same crappy ass aluminum as the rest of the hood is beyond my understanding. Aluminum is really malleable and a simple unscrewing of bolts might fuck your shit up.

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
I'm with ronjon...i don't care for them. The glass is not hinged, making cleaning a 2 person job. Check out the Sunlight Supply BlockBuster.


Well-Known Member
so this light mover subject has always amazed me... do you think you can achieve better yields then LST and Supercrop etc... and if so how hard is it to set up a light rail operation I am a very logical person I learn from what I see.

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
so this light mover subject has always amazed me... do you think you can achieve better yields then LST and Supercrop etc... and if so how hard is it to set up a light rail operation I am a very logical person I learn from what I see.
It's not an either/or with light movers and training techniques. You could use a light mover and supercrop, bend, FIM, or whatever. Personally, I prefer to move the plants around to balance the light and get a nice balanced canopy shape. I also like alot of light (60+ watts/sq ft), so a light rail doesn't make sense for me.


Active Member
From what I've read the bigger huge ass hoods are just wasting light by bouncing it around too much. You want a smaller, slimmer hood that keeps the light focused like a tight beam in the area you plan to utilize. Check out Sun System's Cool Sun's (not super small, but definitely no magnum xxxxl)..I have them and they are nice, about middle of the road as far as size.

Then if you want really small (search Shrubs First on RIU for a great example of these hoods), check out the Daystar AC's made by HydroFarm.

Look for a hood with 13-26" width, no bigger.

Thats my $0.02..



Active Member
I like my Raptor spreads the light nicely of course I haven't had to clean it yet or replace a bulb but I couldn't imagine it being to much of a pita

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
I'm with xivex. I believe that much of the reflective surface on these monster hoods are so far from the bulb that too much intensity is lost prior to the light being reflected. We currently use the Sunlight BlockBusters and the C.A.P air cooled. The CAPS are only $109.00 retail, making them very attractive. Both have hinged glass....a must for cleaning.


SO I am debating new hoods and have had blockbusters with 600's work great but am stepping up to 1000's. I have to silver sun reflectors that are nice, but would like a more intense foot-print as I am running scrog. Bell lighting claims to have a hood with a titanium oxide coating that, with a 30 year warranty on the hood. Advanced has a video backing it here . Anyone have any experience running these hoods? or have any other suggestions for hoods around its size, which is

30-7/8" x 23" x 9"
Approximate Weight 8 lbs

I would like to have to 1000 per 3x6 tray. these hoods would fit thespace nicely.