


just wanting to use ***MAIL but am shitting myself thinking about it has anyone got success stories?, I am thinking of going 1/2 of bubble**** for $420,

(this is not MOM talk this thread has been worded in a way that it could be about anything what other members choose to say afterwards is down to them and should not result in my thread being removed)



Nah it's not discrete enough. lol BUDMAIL. MOM means mail-order marijuana. He's talking about buying drugs off the internet and wants to talk with people who have and compare notes and shit.
Nah that a lie, just a +1 to your spam count 8000 posts in 9 months its little mugs like you that fuck things like ***MAIL for everyone else


Well-Known Member
yeah, alright. less than 6 months phish just chillen twice nice and sweet. still dont think it was a good idea tin can it man

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="LIFE";6464356]Nah that a lie, just a +1 to your spam count 8000 posts in 9 months its little mugs like you that fuck things like ***MAIL for everyone else[/QUOTE]
Who the fuck do you honestly think you're talking to? It's little bitches like YOU that ruin the online drug trade. How old are you? 19? I've been in this scene for over a decade. Nearly since the online drug trade started. And it's bitches like you that draw all the wrong attention to it. Fucking budmail, cut-throat rates and to public. You don't know shit about the online drug scene. Go snort some more bath salts kid.


stay away from this spacker guys, ***mail is great, and who do I think I am talking to pmsl you mug

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="LIFE";6464478]stay away from this spacker guys, ***mail is great, and who do I think I am talking to pmsl you mug[/QUOTE]

Thank you for proving your ignorance. =)


Yeah ok mate you carry on spamming your way to 10k posts pointless load on the server, enjoy everyone..

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="LIFE";6464765]yeah $350 for plant matter not bubble..

here in the UK an Oz of shit weed goes for near on $500[/QUOTE]

I'm confused, do you mean your getting flowers, and not bubble?

Or are you telling me that plant matter goes for $350 in your area?

You should realllllly be able to find a better deal regardless..... I don't see OZ of sensi flower go for more than $300... and I don't see bubble hash go for more than $400....

My area is probably pretty average for US.... Not as cheap as a flooded cali city, but not as expensive as a town in the sticks on the east coast.

$500 USD for average chronic in the UK? Damn!

What do you pay an eighth?