Mailing Cash To Midweek Song

Rick B.

Last year I had excellent results with Gold Mine Seeds from Midweek Song. This year I was disappointed to find that they are no longer able to use Credit Cards, Money Orders, etc. I thought that it would be a great time to use Bitcoin for my first time. It seemed to be much more complicated than I wanted to deal with. The type of Bank Transfers they can accept are very expensive. Against my better judgment I sent them an American $100.00 bill for a $97.00 purchase, telling them to keep the $3.00 change. It seemed to take forever, but about 2 weeks after they received my payment my seeds arrived in fine condition...
Very Happy with Midweek Song...
Rick B.
anyone else with similar experiences? im bout to send cash cause they're the only bank that has what im looking for in stock. kinda having a panic attack about sending cash .
Yes! Even when I used my credit card I paid extra for that, especially when using cash I think that it add another level of security, & waiting is a b!+ch!!!
I don't understand this post? Your unhappy but happy

I think Rick is just reporting to us that sending money can work, despite his initial concern with it. I don't know anything about Midweek Song, but I send cash to the vendors I trust all the time. Ones that have worked for me are seedsherenow, cannarado (his personal site), lumberjackseedsource, great lakes genetics, DCseedexchange, etc. If the vendor is established and has a thread here at the forums, responds to emails, has been around for a year or more, etc., then I don't have trust issues with sending money. Just make sure you go to your local post office and get tracking on the envelope you send, so you know it goes where it's headed.
I don't understand this post? Your unhappy but happy
I am happy!!! Waiting for the seeds made me unhappy because I was concerned about sending the cash. It seemed to take much longer, andit did. First because I had to mail both ways, sending the cash over, previously with credit card that transaction was done electronically! Secondly, I think that mail is slower due to COVID-19. Just to be clear: I AM EXTREMELY HAPPY WITH MIDWEEK SONG & THEIR GOLD MINE SEEDS!!!
YES! Definitely pay for the guaranteed shipping! I have both times I ordered so I haven't had a bad experience! It's not much money + I feel it makes everything a little easier to keep track of! Also keep in mind, mail is slower due to COVID-19...
I have always sent cash. Haven’t had one problem yet. But it’s usually only between 100-200$. Never with tracked in US(which is probably stupid but I’m too lazy to go to the post office...stamps it is) when I used to use overseas banks absolutely tracked. I actually trust the US seedbanks I use which is probably why I don’t sweat it.