Main cola or main stem bent bad need help asap


Active Member
I need help one of my lights fell and bend my main stem very bad and it leaning i used string to put it back in place can it still produce buds and grow right or should i trash it will it go back in place. im am 23 days into flowering please help


Active Member
Hey I watched a video from Jorge Cervantes where a guy duct taped a very hefty side branch and the plant was no worse for the wear.


Active Member
Thanks ill try the duct tape because i turn my plant 90° daily for equal light. by the way i got a purple sour diseal plant going on im sorry if im miss spelling smokin on some purple kush right now will post pics tomorrow


Well-Known Member
dont worry man my fan fel on my sog bent down 2 plants i put a piece of tape around the part it bent and cracked a bit so to keep the air out and it notted up on the break point. I also tied it up to the ceiling to hold it up and the mofo grew into a big bush mofo shes a bit shorter than the rest but much fatter. so i wouldnt worry might even stress the plant enough to creat buckooo buds hope this helps good luck


Well-Known Member
dont worry man my fan fel on my sog bent down 2 plants i put a piece of tape around the part it bent and cracked a bit so to keep the air out and it notted up on the break point. I also tied it up to the ceiling to hold it up and the mofo grew into a big bush mofo shes a bit shorter than the rest but much fatter. so i wouldnt worry might even stress the plant enough to creat buckooo buds hope this helps good luck
these accidents can help... several times this happen to me.. and after the plants tissues repair the wound it will have a huge bulge of vascular tissue and it be like a muscle.. simmilar to supercropping... it should be ok as long as it isnt completely detached