• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Main Stream Media Now admitting Ron Paul will be on the Ballot in Tampa


Active Member
Ron Paul prescribes Birth Control dipshit, you take it out of context yet again, Ron Paul is trying to explain to Republican's and a Republican audience that you can't legistlate morallity so he explains it by trying to relate to their position initially saying that you can't solve the "problem" with government. Dr Paul doesn't believe contraception can be or should be policed by any government. Again Dr Paul prescribes birth control for christ sake, If you actually watched the whole debate then you can't be that fucking stupid so your obviously taking it out of context on purpose and for that your just a dick.
Yea, he's pretty bright isn't he? It get's to a point where you just know he's trolling hard. If he isn't trolling hard, he has some more serious issues in regards to his mental health.

Based on his comment about pills above, someone like himself may expect that if himself and his wife were unemployed, he'd expect a check from the government so that he can buy pills, in order to safely but irresponsibly bang his wife, possibly bringing another human into the world without the financial means to support that child, because it was unexpected. We call that type of rationale crazy. Crazy doesn't realize crazy though.


Well-Known Member
Yea, he's pretty bright isn't he? It get's to a point where you just know he's trolling hard. If he isn't trolling hard, he has some more serious issues in regards to his mental health.

Based on his comment about pills above, someone like himself may expect that if himself and his wife were unemployed, he'd expect a check from the government so that he can buy pills, in order to safely but irresponsibly bang his wife, possibly bringing another human into the world without the financial means to support that child, because it was unexpected. We call that type of rationale crazy. Crazy doesn't realize crazy though.
neither my wife nor i work, and we don't expect anyone to cover my wife's health insurance.

and once again, how is using the pill being irresponsible? you have it completely backwards. birth control pills are used for responsible family planning, baby einstein.


Well-Known Member
Yep wearing your uniform to endorse a politician is against the codes, but so is eating, drinking or using a cell phone while walking in uniform. Also don't forget walking on the government's grass in uniform is forbidden.


Active Member
ron paul is a coward and stupid to boot. the dumbass brought a member of the military on stage with him while in uniform to endorse him. you'd think a former member of the air force would know not to do that, but not ronnie. stupid as fuck.

now the event is under investigation and ron paul is too much of a coward to return any phone calls about his stupid little incident.

he's billing his campaign as a "revolution". how many revolutions have resigned themselves to the status quo, two party mold? LOL!

so i shouldn't be concerned that ron paul has a completely hypocritical view on morality? he calls sex for pleasure immoral, yet i bet he's banged a few turtles and ol' carol just for kicks. that makes him a pandering hypocrite, which is not surprising for a lifelong, inside the beltway politician like old ronnie.

so we have stupid, coward, pandering, and hypocrite now as words that describe ron paul.

actually, i believe birth control pills are meant for responsible producing and family planning, so you have it completely wrong, just like your pathetic little grow.

and bullshit that he wouldn't try to legislate his morality on society, he does it all the time. like, for example, this little doozy:

Prohibits the expenditure of Federal funds to any organization which presents male or female homosexuality as an acceptable alternative life style or which suggest that it can be an acceptable life style.

looks like ron paul, the stupid, cowardly, pandering, hypocritical lifelong beltway insider politician is also a bigot who tries to legislate his morality onto society to boot.

and you eat it all up, just like a good little naive 19 year old should. he's counting on people like you who cant think critically yet nonetheless have strong opinions and are unashamed to bash anyone who does not share them. you are ron paul's 'useful idiot'. congratulations.
Lol, you seem a little enraged there, try to take it down one notch there buddy. Did the subsidized meds not make delivery to your household today?

He's a coward because you want him to run under a "party" that lessens his chances of winning? That's not a coward, that's just you making up meanings of a word you don't understand, or do not want to understand. Of course you would label him as a coward for doing such, because you wish failure upon him. Attempting to insult him by labeling him as a coward won't actually make him one, but you can feel free to keep trying that if it convinces your feeble mind, of your delusion regarding what a coward is.

The whole Airforce member issue is petty, but you're too wrapped up in your little paradigm of reality to realize what a petty issue is or isn't. If you understood Ron Paul, he doesn't like discussing petty issues, so it makes logical sense that he isn't going to bother talking to anyone about it. A human being should be able to endorse anyone they want, anywhere, anytime, period. Your thought process on that topic is sheer ignorance. Are you telling me a human being shouldn't be able to endorse another human being as they please? Check yourself on that, because that would be somewhat of a wackjob's mentality.

On the homosexuality topic, you've taken that out of context. That is to be expected, as anything you disagree with, you find information to take out of context, and place that out-of-context-information, as your sole source of information, or disinformation for that matter. You know all those news letters you go off on all the time about RP?... those were debunked in January, but I'm sure you don't want to acknowledge that because it would remove some of your "out of context" ammunition.

I think a lot of us have come to the conclusion that the one who doesn't think critically, is yourself. Non-critical thinkers take things out of context in an attempt to prove their fallacies, which would be an example of behavior that you practice regularly. Therefore calling me naive makes you a hypocrite, because after displaying the traits of a non-critical thinker, we would only assume you are a non-critical thinker, and non-critical thinkers are naive. The irony you provide me with is too funny.

Lastly I don't have too many opinions, I have mostly facts. Opinions would be something like you "believing" the government should regulate healthcare at the expense of everyone. Whereas a "fact" would be something like me stating, you don't take off the backs of others to provide for those who do not have. Do you see the difference? Probably not.

Regarding my grow, I'm not concerned that you think it's pathetic, as I know it's pretty pathetic too. Thanks for the concern though.


Well-Known Member
He's a coward because you want him to run under a "party" that lessens his chances of winning? That's not a coward, that's just you making up meanings of a word you don't understand, or do not want to understand. Of course you would label him as a coward for doing such, because you wish failure upon him. Attempting to insult him by labeling him as a coward won't actually make him one, but you can feel free to keep trying that if it convinces your feeble mind, of your delusion regarding what a coward is.
i remember that when the founding fathers wanted to achieve independence for america, their idea for a revolution was to run their own candidates against the tory candidates. oh, wait, that's not what happened at all.

turns out ron paul doesn't want a revolution, that's just how he panders.

The whole Airforce member issue is petty, but you're too wrapped up in your little paradigm of reality to realize what a petty issue is or isn't. If you understood Ron Paul, he doesn't like discussing petty issues, so it makes logical sense that he isn't going to bother talking to anyone about it. A human being should be able to endorse anyone they want, anywhere, anytime, period. Your thought process on that topic is sheer ignorance. Are you telling me a human being shouldn't be able to endorse another human being as they please? Check yourself on that, because that would be somewhat of a wackjob's mentality.
the military has strict rules about what you may do in uniform and with good reason. the military is investigating this issue, and ron paul won't return their phone calls. because he's a coward.

On the homosexuality topic, you've taken that out of context. That is to be expected, as anything you disagree with, you find information to take out of context, and place that out-of-context-information, as your sole source of information, or disinformation for that matter. You know all those news letters you go off on all the time about RP?... those were debunked in January, but I'm sure you don't want to acknowledge that because it would remove some of your "out of context" ammunition.
what did i take out of context about his anti-gay bigotry? did i miss a non-existent part of that bill that he wrote where federal funds may not go to places that say heterosexuality is acceptable? nope.

and those newsletters were never debunked. i have ron paul on tape admitting he lied about them for political gain.

so now we have panderer, coward, anti-gay bigot and liar.

I think a lot of us have come to the conclusion that the one who doesn't think critically, is yourself. Non-critical thinkers take things out of context in an attempt to prove their fallacies, which would be an example of behavior that you practice regularly. Therefore calling me naive makes you a hypocrite, because after displaying the traits of a non-critical thinker, we would only assume you are a non-critical thinker, and non-critical thinkers are naive. The irony you provide me with is too funny.
if you're going to keep saying that i am taking ron paul's bigotry "out of context", you need to explain why. i think they will teach you about that next semester in english 102.

Lastly I don't have too many opinions, I have mostly facts. Opinions would be something like you "believing" the government should regulate healthcare at the expense of everyone. Whereas a "fact" would be something like me stating, you don't take off the backs of others to provide for those who do not have. Do you see the difference? Probably not.

Regarding my grow, I'm not insulted that you think it's pathetic, as I know it's pretty pathetic too. Thanks for the concern though.
you don't seem to know the difference between facts and opinions at all. even your example shows just how lost you are.

stating that other nations with more government regulation in their health care systems pay less than what we do and achieve better results is quantifiable fact.

stating that you think it is wrong to care for the most vulnerable in society at the expense of others is an opinion. they'll teach you that in philosophy 101 next semester, kiddo.

anyone who can go through this website, with all the information, facts, and opinions about cannabis cultivation and produce a result like yours tells me you may not be the best consumer of information the world has ever seen although you seem to regard yourself in this very manner.


Active Member
The whole Airforce member issue is petty, but you're too wrapped up in your little paradigm of reality to realize what a petty issue is or isn't. If you understood Ron Paul, he doesn't like discussing petty issues, so it makes logical sense that he isn't going to bother talking to anyone about it. A human being should be able to endorse anyone they want, anywhere, anytime, period. Your thought process on that topic is sheer ignorance. Are you telling me a human being shouldn't be able to endorse another human being as they please? Check yourself on that, because that would be somewhat of a wackjob's mentality.
I dont usually comment on political threads because lets be honest, everyone has their own opinion that they are very very set on and all it is is a bunch of useless argueing and internet flaming. I will comment on the military issue however as when I served I could not speak my mind in uniform and I understand very well why. Your comment of anyone should be able to support anyone they want is true to an extent. If you are in the United States Military it is not correct and for very valid reasons. When you are in the military the US government "owns" you for your time of service. You are to follow the Uniformed Code of Military Justice and violating that causes incidents like what happened in San Diego last week where a Marine is discharged with other then honorable status. Right now Obama is the commander in chief, weither you like it or not. When we join the military we take an oath to obey the orders and commands of the sitting commander in chief. For a member of our military to publicly support anything in uniform is a lack of dicipline that the military does not want, need or is able to be put up with. When you join you are well aware of these rules. When you are in Basic you are taught these rules. It isnt a wackjob mentality it is UCMJ at work as public support of anyone other then the CIC while in uniform also tells the public that you are not only willing to disobey orders (since you are disobeing the orders not to publicly support while in uniform) and also tells them that you dont care that you are disobeying orders. Feel free to flame me all you want, I really dont care as I wont be responding again after this, but our soldiers do not have the right to support anyone in uniform and they never will have the right. While you are in the military you no longer have rights, you have the UCMJ. When you are out of the military you have every right that any other citizen has.



Well-Known Member
Last time I checked most delegates aren't naive 19 year olds...:dunce:

Please carry on though...I love the anger that politics brings out in people.


Active Member
I dont usually comment on political threads because lets be honest, everyone has their own opinion that they are very very set on and all it is is a bunch of useless argueing and internet flaming. I will comment on the military issue however as when I served I could not speak my mind in uniform and I understand very well why. Your comment of anyone should be able to support anyone they want is true to an extent. If you are in the United States Military it is not correct and for very valid reasons. When you are in the military the US government "owns" you for your time of service. You are to follow the Uniformed Code of Military Justice and violating that causes incidents like what happened in San Diego last week where a Marine is discharged with other then honorable status. Right now Obama is the commander in chief, weither you like it or not. When we join the military we take an oath to obey the orders and commands of the sitting commander in chief. For a member of our military to publicly support anything in uniform is a lack of dicipline that the military does not want, need or is able to be put up with. When you join you are well aware of these rules. When you are in Basic you are taught these rules. It isnt a wackjob mentality it is UCMJ at work as public support of anyone other then the CIC while in uniform also tells the public that you are not only willing to disobey orders (since you are disobeing the orders not to publicly support while in uniform) and also tells them that you dont care that you are disobeying orders. Feel free to flame me all you want, I really dont care as I wont be responding again after this, but our soldiers do not have the right to support anyone in uniform and they never will have the right. While you are in the military you no longer have rights, you have the UCMJ. When you are out of the military you have every right that any other citizen has.

The fact that there is a rule saying that a human being cannot endorse someone because they are part of a "group" we call the military, is exactly why it's a joke and a petty issue at best.

The solider who spoke obviously has atleast a mild degree of courage to speak up. The rule is stupid, plain a simple, and that's why it's petty. I'm glad the guy broke the rule, because dumb rules get broke.

A human being is a human being, military or not, and they can endorse anyone, anywhere, anytime. The rule is a violation of rights, and rights as such can never be signed away temporarily because a piece of paper says so.

That's my opinion on it, and the piece of paper they sign doesn't mean shit at the end of the day.


Active Member
i remember that when the founding fathers wanted to achieve independence for america, their idea for a revolution was to run their own candidates against the tory candidates. oh, wait, that's not what happened at all.

turns out ron paul doesn't want a revolution, that's just how he panders.

the military has strict rules about what you may do in uniform and with good reason. the military is investigating this issue, and ron paul won't return their phone calls. because he's a coward.

what did i take out of context about his anti-gay bigotry? did i miss a non-existent part of that bill that he wrote where federal funds may not go to places that say heterosexuality is acceptable? nope.

and those newsletters were never debunked. i have ron paul on tape admitting he lied about them for political gain.

so now we have panderer, coward, anti-gay bigot and liar.

if you're going to keep saying that i am taking ron paul's bigotry "out of context", you need to explain why. i think they will teach you about that next semester in english 102.

you don't seem to know the difference between facts and opinions at all. even your example shows just how lost you are.

stating that other nations with more government regulation in their health care systems pay less than what we do and achieve better results is quantifiable fact.

stating that you think it is wrong to care for the most vulnerable in society at the expense of others is an opinion. they'll teach you that in philosophy 101 next semester, kiddo.

anyone who can go through this website, with all the information, facts, and opinions about cannabis cultivation and produce a result like yours tells me you may not be the best consumer of information the world has ever seen although you seem to regard yourself in this very manner.
Revolution, smevolution. Who cares what the word is or what it means. It's just a silly word to toy with people's brains. At very best, his "revolution" is a revolution of integrity and rationale. Beyond that, whatever revolution you are trying to talk about is nonsense and doesn't mean anything. Is there a problem to revolutionize America's political integrity for the better?

The military's strict rules can also qualify as stupid rules. Just because a rule is a rule, doesn't mean it's worth anything. Telling someone they cannot endorse someone because they signed some papers and are now part of the group we call the "military", is flat out ignorant. A human being can endorse whoever they want, regardless of whether or not they wear some fancy military clothing and sign some papers.

Taking things out of context... well just look at yourself. More than half of your anti-paul slander is nothing but information that you've purposely taken out of context, or gotten from the internet in an "as-is" format, of which information you obviously do no actual research of, then proceed to claim it as a bona fide fact, just because you say so. Just because you copy and paste a link that ignorantly claims false information on someone, doesn't mean you know what you're talking about, let alone does it mean your correct in your assumption.

His newsletters were debunked. Keep saying they weren't you just don't want to acknowledge it. That's fine, you just look ignorant when the information regarding the debunking is all over the internet. Your voice recordings of RP admitting he lied however, don't seem to be all over the internet. Care to provide "your" apparently rare voice recordings? If you got them, I'm more than willing to acknowledge he lied. Until then, keep preaching.

Me shelling money out to take care of others I wish to not take care of, is not an opinion, it's my right in deciding to not give money to other's I don't wish to give money to, especially those who bring their problems upon themselves. You're essentially saying it's my opinion that I shouldn't have to pay for someone who is dying of cancer, when their entire family tree has a predisposition of cancer? That's not my opinion, it's a fact that my money is mine, and if I don't want to help a person financially I don't have to. It get's even worse for your argument when you bring up stuff like smoking, diet, and exercise. I don't have to pay for an obese person to get heart surgery, and that is a right as well, not an opinion.

Again, I'm glad you're concerned on my grow, but I'm quite fine if I do say so myself. You seem to be keen on the fact that I should somehow be mad at growing a plant or lack thereof. It's a plant. I like plants, don't you?


Active Member
The fact that there is a rule saying that a human being cannot endorse someone because they are part of a "group" we call the military, is exactly why it's a joke and a petty issue at best.

The solider who spoke obviously has atleast a mild degree of courage to speak up. The rule is stupid, plain a simple, and that's why it's petty. I'm glad the guy broke the rule, because dumb rules get broke.

A human being is a human being, military or not, and they can endorse anyone, anywhere, anytime. The rule is a violation of rights, and rights as such can never be signed away temporarily because a piece of paper says so.

That's my opinion on it, and the piece of paper they sign doesn't mean shit at the end of the day.

Heh, I would love to see you enlist and then tell them that the peice of paper you signed didnt mean shit at the end of the day. Of course by the time they were done with you, your right it wouldnt mean shit to them, but for you, it would mean at the very minimum a other then honorable dischage, and at worst a couple of decades doing truely hard time at Ft. Levinworth. Of course civilians can allways have the opinion that it doesnt mean shit but the military and its code of justice is the only reason the civilians can even have opinions and discussions like this. Damn it, I will not get sucked into this more. Thanks to all the other vets out there for your service, and for the civies that think that the military laws are stupid, go thank a vet for keeping you free to have your shitty opinions.

Snooch to the Nooch!


Well-Known Member
Revolution, smevolution. Who cares what the word is or what it means. It's just a silly word to toy with people's brains. At very best, his "revolution" is a revolution of integrity and rationale. Beyond that, whatever revolution you are trying to talk about is nonsense and doesn't mean anything. Is there a problem to revolutionize America's political integrity for the better?

The military's strict rules can also qualify as stupid rules. Just because a rule is a rule, doesn't mean it's worth anything. Telling someone they cannot endorse someone because they signed some papers and are now part of the group we call the "military", is flat out ignorant. A human being can endorse whoever they want, regardless of whether or not they wear some fancy military clothing and sign some papers.

Taking things out of context... well just look at yourself. More than half of your anti-paul slander is nothing but information that you've purposely taken out of context, or gotten from the internet in an "as-is" format, of which information you obviously do no actual research of, then proceed to claim it as a bona fide fact, just because you say so. Just because you copy and paste a link that ignorantly claims false information on someone, doesn't mean you know what you're talking about, let alone does it mean your correct in your assumption.

His newsletters were debunked. Keep saying they weren't you just don't want to acknowledge it. That's fine, you just look ignorant when the information regarding the debunking is all over the internet. Your voice recordings of RP admitting he lied however, don't seem to be all over the internet. Care to provide "your" apparently rare voice recordings? If you got them, I'm more than willing to acknowledge he lied. Until then, keep preaching.

Me shelling money out to take care of others I wish to not take care of, is not an opinion, it's my right in deciding to not give money to other's I don't wish to give money to, especially those who bring their problems upon themselves. You're essentially saying it's my opinion that I shouldn't have to pay for someone who is dying of cancer, when their entire family tree has a predisposition of cancer? That's not my opinion, it's a fact that my money is mine, and if I don't want to help a person financially I don't have to. It get's even worse for your argument when you bring up stuff like smoking, diet, and exercise. I don't have to pay for an obese person to get heart surgery, and that is a right as well, not an opinion.

Again, I'm glad you're concerned on my grow, but I'm quite fine if I do say so myself. You seem to be keen on the fact that I should somehow be mad at growing a plant or lack thereof. It's a plant. I like plants, don't you?
words are stupid! rules are stupid! that covers the first two paragraphs where you expose yourself as a 17-19 year old kid.

as far as me taking ron paul out of context, try again. use those stupid words. all you did was accuse me one more time of taking his bill out of context. well, sorry, but i didn't. i posted the entire section of that bill dealing with federal funding for groups that promote homosexuality or heterosexuality. ron paul only wants to stop funds from going to the former, no such concerns about the latter. that's bigotry pure and simple right there, kiddo.

as far as the newsletters go, in what sense do you mean they have been debunked? because i can produce a video of paul talking to hannity, referring hannity to an article in texas monthly where he tells the person interviewing him that he lied about the newsletters during the 1996 congressional campaign. of course, you being a little kid and all, you probably have not bothered to look this up. you're too busy smoking all that 3-5 grams of pot you just grew yourself and bandying about ron paul with your friends as if it made you some cool political hipster. "ugh, politicians are so mainstream. i liked ron paul before he was cool".

and you changed the goalposts on the next paragraph, but that's fine. it's basically your only move.

ron paul is writes bigoted, anti-gay legislation in trying to impose his morality onto society. he lied about the racist newsletters that he profited from. these are facts. deal with it.


Active Member
Heh, I would love to see you enlist and then tell them that the peice of paper you signed didnt mean shit at the end of the day. Of course by the time they were done with you, your right it wouldnt mean shit to them, but for you, it would mean at the very minimum a other then honorable dischage, and at worst a couple of decades doing truely hard time at Ft. Levinworth. Of course civilians can allways have the opinion that it doesnt mean shit but the military and its code of justice is the only reason the civilians can even have opinions and discussions like this. Damn it, I will not get sucked into this more. Thanks to all the other vets out there for your service, and for the civies that think that the military laws are stupid, go thank a vet for keeping you free to have your shitty opinions.

Snooch to the Nooch!
You don't get sent to the slammer for endorsing someone as a military personnel, that I'm fairly sure of that.

As far as current times, none of these vets are keeping me free. That's not to be disrespectful of some who have good-willed intentions, but it's the truth... they are doing the opposite of preserving freedom. It's a sad truth, but it's just the way it is.


Well-Known Member
Heh, I would love to see you enlist and then tell them that the peice of paper you signed didnt mean shit at the end of the day. Of course by the time they were done with you, your right it wouldnt mean shit to them, but for you, it would mean at the very minimum a other then honorable dischage, and at worst a couple of decades doing truely hard time at Ft. Levinworth. Of course civilians can allways have the opinion that it doesnt mean shit but the military and its code of justice is the only reason the civilians can even have opinions and discussions like this. Damn it, I will not get sucked into this more. Thanks to all the other vets out there for your service, and for the civies that think that the military laws are stupid, go thank a vet for keeping you free to have your shitty opinions.

Snooch to the Nooch!
something tells me that incocknition is a teenager who is going through that insufferable "just read ayn rand" phase.


Well-Known Member
You don't get sent to the slammer for endorsing someone as a military personnel, that I'm fairly sure of that.

As far as current times, none of these vets are keeping me free. That's not to be disrespectful of some who have good-willed intentions, but it's the truth... they are doing the opposite of preserving freedom. It's a sad truth, but it's just the way it is.
when you sign up for the military, you agree not to do certain things in uniform. ron paul ignored this. the guy who endorsed ron paul while in uniform ignored this.

now ron paul the coward is dodging phone calls from the military investigators. ya know, because he is a coward.

i just sit here LOLing.


Active Member
words are stupid! rules are stupid! that covers the first two paragraphs where you expose yourself as a 17-19 year old kid.

as far as me taking ron paul out of context, try again. use those stupid words. all you did was accuse me one more time of taking his bill out of context. well, sorry, but i didn't. i posted the entire section of that bill dealing with federal funding for groups that promote homosexuality or heterosexuality. ron paul only wants to stop funds from going to the former, no such concerns about the latter. that's bigotry pure and simple right there, kiddo.

as far as the newsletters go, in what sense do you mean they have been debunked? because i can produce a video of paul talking to hannity, referring hannity to an article in texas monthly where he tells the person interviewing him that he lied about the newsletters during the 1996 congressional campaign. of course, you being a little kid and all, you probably have not bothered to look this up. you're too busy smoking all that 3-5 grams of pot you just grew yourself and bandying about ron paul with your friends as if it made you some cool political hipster. "ugh, politicians are so mainstream. i liked ron paul before he was cool".

and you changed the goalposts on the next paragraph, but that's fine. it's basically your only move.

ron paul is writes bigoted, anti-gay legislation in trying to impose his morality onto society. he lied about the racist newsletters that he profited from. these are facts. deal with it.
I'll just tell you again, you take everything anti-Paul out of context. Keep denying it, that's just the reality of what you do all over this forum. Is my truth still annoying to you? Apparently.

Produce the video then and quit talking about it. I can't find your supposed video all over the internet. Now if the recording of what you're claiming is true, I'm sure it would be readily available all over the internet, but it's not, so produce it please.

If you want to know what I'm referring to in regards to the debunked news letters, just google the subject, you'll see it all over... if you don't then there is a problem with your internet or your brain.

I'm not a kid but if I was is there a problem? I guess the only problem would be that a kid has intellectually owned you so many times it's not funny. Good thing I'm not a kid though, because you would look even more foolish that you already do.

Again, I appreciate the concern on the grow, and I know you wish I could of yielded the mother load, as do I, but it just didn't happen. Is there a problem?

Ron Paul has no intent to "impose" anything other that free will. What you speak of regarding him "imposing" anything, is just a facet of your deranged, and out-of-context, train of thought. That is a fact, deal with it.


Active Member
when you sign up for the military, you agree not to do certain things in uniform. ron paul ignored this. the guy who endorsed ron paul while in uniform ignored this.

now ron paul the coward is dodging phone calls from the military investigators. ya know, because he is a coward.

i just sit here LOLing.
I sit here LOLling when people think a human being endorsing someone is a serious issue. I got LOLly pops, want one?


Well-Known Member
I sit here LOLling when people think a human being endorsing someone is a serious issue. I got LOLly pops, want one?
so, you think you get to sign up for the military and completely ignore the rules you just signed up for?

hey everyone, there's a genius with a big brain here! hey, genius with the big brain, tell me more about how the rules don't apply because you have the mentality of a petulant 17 year old. please, i beg you.


Well-Known Member
I'll just tell you again, you take everything anti-Paul out of context. Keep denying it, that's just the reality of what you do all over this forum. Is my truth still annoying to you? Apparently.
you wouldn't know truth if it bit you in the ass.

i'll post the full section in question, along with a link to the bill. then i'll let you, the genius with the big brain, explain to me just how i took anything out of context.

Prohibits the expenditure of Federal funds to any organization which presents male or female homosexuality as an acceptable alternative life style or which suggest that it can be an acceptable life style.

Produce the video then and quit talking about it. I can't find your supposed video all over the internet. Now if the recording of what you're claiming is true, I'm sure it would be readily available all over the internet, but it's not, so produce it please.

skip to about 5:10. ron paul refers to an article in 'texas monthly' written about him called 'dr. no'. you can go into their archives and read it. he fully admits to lying in it.

If you want to know what I'm referring to in regards to the debunked news letters, just google the subject, you'll see it all over... if you don't then there is a problem with your internet or your brain.
just tell me: how were they debunked? ron paul bragged about writing them in 1996. he admits doing as much in the texas monthly article i referred you to. now he completely disavows them. but he's still buddying around with neo-nazis during this campaign cycle and he never sent back the money e made by publishing those racist newsletters. these are all facts.

I'm not a kid but if I was is there a problem? I guess the only problem would be that a kid has intellectually owned you so many times it's not funny. Good thing I'm not a kid though, because you would look even more foolish that you already do.

Again, I appreciate the concern on the grow, and I know you wish I could of yielded the mother load, as do I, but it just didn't happen. Is there a problem?
the problem is that there is enough information on a site like this one that no one (save those 17 year olds trying to grow without mommy and daddy knowing) should be able to harvest more than the 3-5 grams you'll pull after 4 months worth of work.

the fact that you did so poorly while frequenting a site like this is an obvious sign that you are a poor consumer of information. ya know, that and the whole being completely ignorant about the candidate whose dick you might suck if given the chance.

Ron Paul has no intent to "impose" anything other that free will. What you speak of regarding him "imposing" anything, is just a facet of your deranged, and out-of-context, train of thought. That is a fact, deal with it.
say what you want, fact is that ron paul tried to impose his bigoted morality onto the nation with HR 7955. facts speak louder than teenagers who just read ayn rand.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Unclebuck is engaged in a criminal enterprise, which under federal law carries a penalty of 19 years in prison, $501,000 fine and possibly death if judge is in a particularly good mood. But he mocks a soldier in uniform on stage with Ron Paul. I just LOL.

Last I checked, even if he were blowing Ron Paul on stage in uniform, which Bucky has a fascination with, he wouldn't get the death penalty. I double LOL at that.