Update at end of week 11 here. Everything's in the ground except a few Cherry Wines are in Fabric pots--part experiment in growing and part backup plan if the weather goes to hell in the fall, in theory I could at least bring those 10g fabric pots into the shed for protection.
So far so good. Wind has been ferocious this year and the hemp garden is more exposed than than the MJ garden so I lost the top of one of the plants. But it's recovering fine and I've since staked everything plus installed a temporary burlap fence to help break the wind. Sometimes it's just day after day, night after night of gusty breezes. Hoping to get some trellises up this weekend.
Finally got some decent rain--a full inch 2 nights ago and half an inch earlier in the week. Doesn't catch us up on the extended drought conditions but certainly helps temporarily.
Had ferocious heat and humidity this week, broke 96 one day and barely cools down to the high seventies at night, but that only lasted a couple days really. Plants seem fine.
A couple hemp plants seem stunted with much smaller leaves and internodal spacing. Not sure if that's genetics at work or environment. I may have overwatered a few, noticed when transplanting those ones earlier this week the roots at the bottom weren't bright white like the others but had some dull brown coloring. Hopefully now that they're in the ground they'll do better.
Another issue is the Chinook Haze in the MJ garden is looking a little pale even though it's in the same soil and gotten the same treatment as the 2 Copper Chems in there too. Considering another topdressing of bloodmeal for more N although they all got 2 1/4 oz. just 3 weeks ago. Wasn't planning to feed again until mid or late July but would like to see a nice dark green color in the leaves. Based on the soil test there's should be plenty of the other nutrients in there for them. The Copper Chems look great, just the Chinook that's slightly pale.
Looking forward to some big-time vegetative growth over the next month and a half. Brook is still running, hopefully that doesn't dry up early like last year. But I have a plan B for irrigation just in case.
Quick question: how early will males potentially spill pollen growing outdoors? And if they do spill early, and the females aren't in flower yet, does it matter? Or can the females still get pollinated?
How's everyone doing? Hope you're having a great holiday weekend.
MJ with Chinook Haze in foreground, Copper Chems in back:
Hemp garden (culled a few males which is why some of the planting holes are empty); Have 15 plants remaining now: