Just checking in at the end of week 9. Saw 6-11" change in height this week, some of them are closing in on 3 feet high, seems like they're nicely settled in to their new homes in the ground now and moving into full-on vegetative growth mode.
It's hotter then hell here in Maine the past couple days, no rain for 9 days now (2nd dry stretch this month). Last night it only cooled down to 70--definitely back in the 90s later today. Brook near my garden looks to be going dry soon, will have to haul water from the house if that happens...bummer.
These girls have been in the ground for 2 weeks now (except the one I transplanted last weekend), I figured on watering them deeply once per week if it doesn't rain at least an inch that week. Figure that still holds in this heat? They just got a good watering followed by compost tea drench a couple days ago, they look just fine for now. Guess I'll just keep an eye on the soil moisture by feel. That mulch should definitely help a lot.
Can I wait until flowering to add support or do they need it sooner than that?
Is a little minor paling of color on lower leaves normal at this stage or is it a sign she wants more nitrogen or other nutrient?
Just curious--how long could a plant go in a 7g smart pot in weather like this if it's in the sun 7 hours a day? You think a good soaking every other day would be sufficient?
How's everyone else doing? Let's see pics.
Below is the Copper Chem, leading the pack at 32":