Maine Outdoor 2020 (first timer)

Been there done that with kids LOL,Now we all smoke together just gotta fool the grand kids now.It sure is nice to be on the legal side now bongsmilie

Being legal sure does take a lot of stress out of the equation although my interpretation of the 4 plant legal limit here leaves something to be
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Ha...younger son is starting high school this fall (or maybe...we'll see what happens with this COVID situation). He's been warned multiple times not to say a word about this to anyone. Last thing I need is some foolhardy teens trying to do a midnight run to my garden!

"Skunks under the shed"--ha! I bet they figured that one out pretty soon ("just how stupid does Dad think we are, man?).
Probably not as gullible as I had hoped, you’re right. Although I thought I had them convinced I was growing “Medical Cannabis” for cancer patients and not “weed”....that was until they found my pipe and a jar of Diesel on the coffee table. Lmao. The jig is up.
Noticed one of my plants is starting to flower. Two to three weeks earlier than normal. This plant was one that started to flower end of May due to a lighting screw up on my part. It was in full reveg mid-June and now it’s flowering again. Anyone else been through an early flower/reveg situation? Wondering what kind of buds this plant will produce. I’m expecting more trimming and smaller buds.
Noticed one of my plants is starting to flower. Two to three weeks earlier than normal. This plant was one that started to flower end of May due to a lighting screw up on my part. It was in full reveg mid-June and now it’s flowering again. Anyone else been through an early flower/reveg situation? Wondering what kind of buds this plant will produce. I’m expecting more trimming and smaller buds.
View attachment 4632368View attachment 4632372
Yup very rare a plant at that stage will put out tight flower,
Yup very rare a plant at that stage will put out tight flower,

Sucks. This was my strongest plant starting out....I had high expectations. Can’t see this plant putting out any kind of respectable bud structure. what it is.
Both my MOB plants have been in flower a good 10 days now. But those are always the first to bud. I have 6 other strains showing little to nothing as far as flower yet. Last year I had a plant reveg early, it did it's thing and turned out fine.
The Mimosa Haze was light dep from indoor that shot up 14" above the other breeds, so got put outdoors.
I was actually after the males and just testing the seeds to see what I made, grows upward at an alarming rate apparently.
It's a breeder, so just gotta get the top colas pollinated in a bit without a reveg.


2 CriticalJack+ are doing their thing, autos about 2-3 weeks apart.
The younger one is a tough girl, grew from the most microscopic germination from old seeds and just took poppy-sized mini seedling.

Saw all this commotion in Farmington the other day as I drove by,didn't know what happened. (not my pictures, no way I was stopping)

Narrow Gauge Distributors,big grower and distributor with 60,000 ft space, hydro store and several paper front dispensary stores got raided by DEA/ ME/ and several other State police investigators.

All his product hauled away in dumpster trucks and evidence by the truckload.



farmington-raid-ann-bryant-1595345857.jpg the Federal Gov't can't muster the effort to provide enough testing, contact tracing, PPE, and national strategy we need to suppress this virus that's killing tens of thousands of us and shredding our economy, but they've got time and money to raid local cannabis small businesses.

Because obviously Narrow Gauge Distributors is a much bigger threat than COVID-19.

But back to our gardens: not seeing any signs of flowering here yet but thinking that will change any week now. the Federal Gov't can't muster the effort to provide enough testing, contact tracing, PPE, and national strategy we need to suppress this virus that's killing tens of thousands of us and shredding our economy, but they've got time and money to raid local cannabis small businesses.

Because obviously Narrow Gauge Distributors is a much bigger threat than COVID-19.

But back to our gardens: not seeing any signs of flowering here yet but thinking that will change any week now.
I dont see true flowering until August... by mid august we are in full swing here.
My nearest neighbor's house is a good 500 feet or more from my garden, but I'm guessing when the wind is right they'll be getting a noseful come Labor Day (garden is fairly well hidden from sight). Shouldn't be a problem, if they ask I'll just offer a few harvest samples. Hell, for all I know they've got their own plants in their greenhouse.
My nearest neighbor's house is a good 500 feet or more from my garden, but I'm guessing when the wind is right they'll be getting a noseful come Labor Day (garden is fairly well hidden from sight). Shouldn't be a problem, if they ask I'll just offer a few harvest samples. Hell, for all I know they've got their own plants in their greenhouse.

You can always keep a small fire going when they get real smelly in september and october.
they don’t buy into the whole tomato plants and we have skunks under the shed story anymore.

Okay, story time. First time one of my sons, (he's in his 30s now) smoked with me was when he was around 17. I'd been covering up for years, but apparently not good enough.

We were having a barn and lawn party. Beautiful fall day. I think it was one of those birthday parties that begin in the day with family and friends and end up at night with just the hardcore partiers hanging around the keg. Anyway good food, lots of people, adults, relatives, grandmas, kids, a real mixed bag of people. A few that smoked and quite a few that didn't were there. Prohibition was running hard though.

We asked guests to please use some discretion and smoke out back, at least until all the grandmas, kids and stick up the ass brother-in-laws left etc.

So of course just after dark, I'm out back, about 10 beers, maybe a shot or two and several joints already into it. A farmer friend just lit one up and we're ready to burn another one with a group of half in the bag buddies all standing around sipping beers in a circle. . It's dark, I take the joint, hit it hard and pass it to the next guy standing beside me.

Hear him take a long hit and then say "busted dad!". Surprise !!! It was pretty funny. Kid had a good point.
Saw all this commotion in Farmington the other day as I drove by,didn't know what happened. (not my pictures, no way I was stopping)

Narrow Gauge Distributors,big grower and distributor with 60,000 ft space, hydro store and several paper front dispensary stores got raided by DEA/ ME/ and several other State police investigators.

All his product hauled away in dumpster trucks and evidence by the truckload.



Do you no the name of the hydro store that got popped? Hope it wasnt Full Bloom.
Last edited: the Federal Gov't can't muster the effort to provide enough testing, contact tracing, PPE, and national strategy we need to suppress this virus that's killing tens of thousands of us and shredding our economy, but they've got time and money to raid local cannabis small businesses.

Because obviously Narrow Gauge Distributors is a much bigger threat than COVID-19.

But back to our gardens: not seeing any signs of flowering here yet but thinking that will change any week now.
No small businesses there! They were the biggest legal grower in the state makeing tons of cash 189 dollars for a half oz at there dispensary Fuck those greedy bastards.
No small businesses there! They were the biggest legal grower in the state makeing tons of cash 189 dollars for a half oz at there dispensary Fuck those greedy bastards.
I should keep quiet as I really don't know anything about them. Guessing if DEA involved there was some money or material crossing state lines, or some such funny business. They were probably taking some risks they shouldn't have been.

I have heard that the big players are lining up to squeeze out small businesses, basically using their $$ and muscle to get the state legislatures to pass laws tilting the table in their favor.

But that's a topic for another thread.
Okay, story time. First time one of my sons, (he's in his 30s now) smoked with me was when he was around 17. I'd been covering up for years, but apparently not good enough.

We were having a barn and lawn party. Beautiful fall day. I think it was one of those birthday parties that begin in the day with family and friends and end up at night with just the hardcore partiers hanging around the keg. Anyway good food, lots of people, adults, relatives, grandmas, kids, a real mixed bag of people. A few that smoked and quite a few that didn't were there. Prohibition was running hard though.

We asked guests to please use some discretion and smoke out back, at least until all the grandmas, kids and stick up the ass brother-in-laws left etc.

So of course just after dark, I'm out back, about 10 beers, maybe a shot or two and several joints already into it. A farmer friend just lit one up and we're ready to burn another one with a group of half in the bag buddies all standing around sipping beers in a circle. . It's dark, I take the joint, hit it hard and pass it to the next guy standing beside me.

Hear him take a long hit and then say "busted dad!". Surprise !!! It was pretty funny. Kid had a good point.
Great story. My oldest just turned 19, I was out walking in our woods path earlier this summer and found a small baggie with a tiny bit of bud in it on the trail. Nobody else walks there, for sure it was him. We've talked about it a bit over the years, I've encouraged him to wait until he's a bit older and choose edibles over smoke if he does want to experiment. But of course I certainly didn't wait when I was that age so can't blame him. Not exactly sure how to handle harvest time here...told both kids beforehand what I was planning and they were fine with it. But not sure I feel comfortable giving him any at that age, even though I know he'll just get it from his friends. Oh well, I've got a few months to figure it all out!