maine weather


Well-Known Member
so seems to be a storm a brewing and coming this way i got some SD and mango going and it's suppose to rain Wednesday night then be sunny on Thursday but then Friday24th- Thursday the 30th it's suppose to be wet and dreary according to what should i do pull early was planing on pulling Oct 2 but this rain make me think i should pull early due to mold problems they are in remote areas and shelters are not an option and i stopped spraying fungicide last week so any help will be appreciated


Well-Known Member
so i just noticed we are suppose to get some rain here today as well looking to be wet for like 8 days here should i chop i know i don't have a picture up but when i was there last week the buds were just starting to fillout and the trichs were cloudy with pistils turning brown and receding don't want mold to ruin my hard work and money put into this grow i lst as much as i could i got 9 plants all big bush's looking like 1/2pound plants but maybe not now with a early pull but what do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
bump....anyone have any advice at all on what to do to get a good yeild but not get mold because it really seems like it might get wet around here
are u drying outside? if so you are kinda screwed. I'de take and pack what you can per trip and bring them to a safe dry place. You are facing similar problems as I am in N MN. My solution has been to create a litter to carry all of it out and drive it carefully to a dry box where it will be fine.


Well-Known Member
Unless you can look at em daily to keep on the lookout for blight,then I'd pull em now if it's callin for damp weather for the next week.
That's my opinion and speaking from experience.I'v seen the weather become nice and sunny after a few rainy days and mold still spread because of cool nights with the dew on the buds.
Well it all depends on what part of Maine you live in. Down at the coast there is not supposed to be much rain. As stated above by muaythaibanger, unless you can check on them often it wouldn't be a bad idea to pull them if they are ready. If your buds are still pretty small I would say wait and leave them outside. Just as long as you can check on them at some point I say leave them out. I don't plan on ripping mine out anytime soon. Living near the ocean in Maine is nice because you can wait till late October early November until you harvest.


Well-Known Member
I done tests last year on buds when mold started on my plants.That was even on sunny days.
Checked the top buds real well up close with one eye closed.Came back in 24 hours to see mold.This was even in sunny weather at the end of September last year.Even when you can't see the spores,they're there ready to go.

Grey mold(Bortytis) can make a bad mess of a crop in a few days if the temps. are low and climate is rainy.
If you can't keep an eye on em everyday,pull em now. You'll regret it if you don't.


Well-Known Member
ok ok so ya i'm in the mountain and pretty much we get what comes off the great lakes and shit so ya i guess i'm going to let it ride through the thunderstorms tonight suppose to be sunny thur then rainy friday and sat then sunny sun and mon than 4 days of rainy damp shittyness so i guess i will pull closer to monday was planning on pulling Oct 2 but hey you get what you get

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Living in near the coast im not planning on pulling till mid oct. Hoping the weather will cooperate for the most part. Anyone heard of or had experience with using liquid copper fungicide to prevent bud mold? Just wondering cause i have a bottle of it at my house.