Me too...damn am I old LOLI am old enough to remember when the idea that you could sell water in a bottle was considered insane. or paying more than 25 cents for a cup of coffee.![]()
Me too...damn am I old LOLI am old enough to remember when the idea that you could sell water in a bottle was considered insane. or paying more than 25 cents for a cup of coffee.![]()
Did you guys know that it is illigal to install your own hydro electric generators on any body of water in Maine, even if it is on your own land? Apperantly the rights to all the rivers and streams in the state of Maine are owned by Florida Power (not positive about the name , but smthing like that)...I wonder which pollititian made that deal and how much he made selling OUR natural resources down the river....
Even the most efficient R/O systems have a 2 to 1 rejection rate(2 gallons down the drain for every gallon in the container). And thats with a new filter. The rejectionn rates increases as the filter gets older. Very wasteful. The majority of well water is just fine for growing. You just need to get it tested so you have an idea of what your starting with.RO filter usually uses 50% of water that goes in it, the other 50% gets drained away as an impure byproduct...if you keep ur septic full in Maine, it will freeze and back up into the house....not cool!
I am old enough to remember when the idea that you could sell water in a bottle was considered insane. or paying more than 25 cents for a cup of coffee.![]()
I remember a .10 cup of makes you realize just how old we're getting.
For the most part when it comes to water Maine is considered the "Saudi Arabia" of water and the majority of artisan wells have pretty good water an easy way to tell if your water is soft or hard is when you soap up, soft water makes it easy to produce a lot of foamy suds and easy to rinse off.. and hard water makes it hard to suds up & hard to rinse off. Hardness, 500mg/L or less is considered "satisfactory"(my well is at 46mg/L). PH, 6.5 to 8.5 is considerd "satisfactory" and the majority of the wells I've dealt with over the years average roughly 7.0PH(mine is at 7.1PH).
Of course there are countless factors that decide on your waters quality and the above is just a "rough average" that I've encountered over the years.
a ro system makes alot of waste water.....for a gallon of ro you'll get between 4 and 8 gallons of waste water......running a bunch of water into your septic system will cause early failure.....
I'm on a spring fed well also, and my water is great. I believe my landlord told me this the well on this land is about 300 ft deep. Not 100% positive, but am pretty sure...not sure if depth makes a difference or not.
OK, I was wrong (what else is new lol) this well is not spring fed, but is considered an artesian well in Maine. It is dug to 325 ft, and I guess it bypasses all the ground contaminates, I guess it is suppose to be better than spring fed even