Mainline or uncle bens


Well-Known Member
mainlining takes longer for sure. and you have to make sure you start early.

with topping you can take more clones

i have seen great results with both


Well-Known Member
UB's is one chop. It's set it and forget it. Then start 12/12 about 2 weeks later if you want speed. Works wonderfully.
MLing you have several cuts to make depending on how many tops you want. Hence more veg time. You'll have a week or so between each cut.
Both methods are great. Just depends on how long you want to wait.
I've done both outdoors. Had a summer long veg with UB and had 4 big ol' fatty colas. Had to tie those suckers up. I do it with guerrilla plants.
Also MLed a bunch of Guerrilla girls this year. They stayed short and wide. Was kind of a bitch keep up with them. Especially since 90% of my visits were during night time hours.


Nice one .
I'm in the process of trying both . So with the Ub method you just top above the 3rd node to get your 4 colas and leave it to veg no more messing about like the mainline .


Well-Known Member
(OutdoorGrow) Last season I let the plants grow naturally... realized that Nature Does Not Know Best .... SO this season I've topped and topped and Topped ALL the plants to create large even canopys of bud and definitely doubled my yield... but next season defo Mainlining - coz all I wanna see next season is Trunks & Colas ........ no more bendy stems..... Trunks & Colas ONLY! :D LOL :D


Lol . Happy dayz . I've been letting nature do its thing and defanatley think uncle bens could improve especially on indoor height restriction s