Mainline question - Late veg


Active Member
Hey guys. Long time lurker, first time poster.

I'm on my 4th grow and decided to try my hand at mainlining. I understand the concept and have read every tutorial I can find. Most, if not all, guide you through the third topping and then usually state something along the lines of "All your hard work is done at this point and you can just sit back and chill." I need assistance for the week or so after that point.

See the photo below. This plant has had a rough go of it after I accidentally broke 3 stems during LST. After the 3rd topping, only one of the growth tips kept growing. Kind of unfortunate, but allowed this photo to be clear.

So the question is, after the third topping, should the lower grow tips be trimmed off? In particular, stems 1-2 shown below. It is wiser to remove these with the "less is more" philosophy, allowing everything above 3, 4, or 5 to benefit?


Top view below. I've circled the side branches that have made it to the top of the canopy. I feel like a bad parent trimming the side branches.


Here is another plant. All 8 mains are there but the lower bud sites have grown up and filled the middle of the plant. On this photo I've marked the mains. Should the rest be removed prior to the flip?


Here's an upskirt of the same plant. As you can see, these growth tips are not from the very bottom of the plant. These have come up since the third topping. Many of them come from the first node after the third topping.


Any assistance would be appreciated. Also, are these plants ready for the flip? I know there is limited info here. They are about 55 days from seed.



Active Member
I'm not sure why the third photo didn't embed properly. I attached it to the post just to to be safe. Thanks in advance.

Jypsy Dog

Well-Known Member
All the growth tips below the top are your bud sites. Flip at around half the height you want her to finish. My Strawberry Amnesia got away from me. Trying not to let the Pineapple Express do the same.

