Mainline with WWxBB

so I jumped on the bandwagon and did this to some bag seeds I have going outside... they were the perfect size to start training.

I also topped my WWxBB ... may try the ML on her if my test plants go well!
Glad to be apart of this thread. I really hope to learn something!

Awesome, don't forget to share your progress! Above all, have fun with it!
ok guys, here's a few pics of the bag seeds I had ready for the Mainline adventure....
figured I'd try it on some free bag seeds before I do it to a real strain...

I had already supercropped them (as you can see the 'knuckling')
They had grown 3 or 4 nodes above the supercrop...should be a great Maineline!

Mainline1.jpg --------- Mainline2.jpg

feedback welcome! I want to do this right so I can try it on a more hearty plant!
Thanks EC. Glad I took the plunge and expanded my grow space. Now I can do all the cool stuff I've been reading about without worrying about how it affects my grow cycle!

So you took the plunge - awesome! Not sure it was necessary to train down the main stem on your girls but you should be fine. Now work on keeping the two main branches horizontal and top both ends when you get enough growth. Off to a great start!
So you took the plunge - awesome! Not sure it was necessary to train down the main stem on your girls but you should be fine. Now work on keeping the two main branches horizontal and top both ends when you get enough growth. Off to a great start!

I always train the main stem... not that harshly however... usually put at least one 90 degree turn in it somewhere....
Pardon my ignorance, but what is the difference between mainlining and LST? Or is the former just a version of the latter?

LST or Low Stress Training is a strategy of training your plants involving gentle manipulation of the existing plant structure without using invasive techniques like topping, fimming, super-cropping, etc. Those techniques cause the plant a higher degree of stress than LST.

Mainling is a combination of strategic and multiple toppings paired with LST to insure that the main stems (4/8/16/etc) all start their vertical growth from the same horizontal plane. This is accomplished by training the branches throughout the vegetative stage.

Looks good on paper and others report excellent results using the Mainlining technique. Have a look at Nugbucket's Mainling thread - the link is in an earlier post in this thread or you can just use RIU's search feature to locate it.

Use the Mainlining thread as a reference for your topping too. Very straight-forward, Nugs`thread even shows where to make the cuts and how to train your shoots. It is worthwhile learning, best training technique out there IMO

KC :weed:
Had some good growth this week and was able to take the next step on the mainlining road tonight.

This is what I started with:

Day18_A.jpg Day18_B.jpg

After the pruing and topping of the four mains (apologies for the blurry pics):

DAY18_C.jpg Day18_D.jpg

And finally after the training (looks painful!):

Day18_E.jpg Day18_F.jpg

Oh...and a pile of clippings:

Had some good growth this week and was able to take the next step on the mainlining road tonight.

This is what I started with:

View attachment 2644448 View attachment 2644449

After the pruing and topping of the four mains (apologies for the blurry pics):

View attachment 2644450 View attachment 2644454

And finally after the training (looks painful!):

View attachment 2644463 View attachment 2644461

Oh...and a pile of clippings:

View attachment 2644465

Excellence ... :clap:

KC :weed:
Things are looking good with the training. Main bridge has hardened in and the four secondary branches are even and also starting to harden. I figure another week before the branches are ready and the eight new heads are established enough to move into flower. I will be upcanning from 1gal to a 3gal pot in the next few days.

Day22_A.jpg Day22_B.jpg
Loving it Yankee, seems like that strain takes a little longer to respond, but damn you`re going to have some hella strong supports there. Looking forward to your next few weeks mate, keep it up!

KC :weed: