Maintaing a CDS manufacturing facility? HELP


Active Member
:confused:Im probably in the wrong forum, but heres the story. Theres a closet in the attic that was lined in mylar and had a 600 watt hps light sealed in a glass tube, along with a fan sucking air out of the room blowing it through and over the light and out a vent in the ceiling. There were no other items in the room. I started the "project" when I was unemployed but then I got this damn job that takes all my time, so all work on the project stopped(never really turned the light on either). Long story short..... 3 months later my project was discovered by the boys in blue, they did find some bud in my bedroom and my roomates bedroom, about 42 grams. No seeds, no dirt, no hydro equipment. Alot of High Times/Heads/CC mags. I got a great lawyer who will knock out the possession charge no problem BUT he has no experience with what was found upstairs. Im officially charged with N.J.S.A.2C:35-4 "Maintaining a CDS manufacturing facility" What can I expect? Has anyone ever gotten caught with an empty room? Please dont tell me to go to NORML, unless youre Marc Emery or own some huge seed bank or a celebrity no one will ever respond. They do a great thing at NORML but their site isnt very user friendly. All input and responses are greatly appreciated! Thank You


Active Member
That'll never pass the "Beyond reasonable doubt" law thingamagiggy..:mrgreen:
Can't see being in possession of a fan,a light,and a homemade growbox is against the law..hopefully all goes well for you.:blsmoke:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Heres the problem.Not sure where you are though.If they found any weed in the house or to be even worse a scale or a box of baggies they will have enough to get a judge to agree you grew the bud if scales and bags found that also is enough to constitue intention to sell or distribute.Im hoping your lawyer is a good skilled drug defense lawyer which it doesnt sound like it more of a genral defense lawyer.Now if they found the stuff and absolutly no bud in the house youd be golden its the fact bud was in the house and was found with grow room equipt that has you in a bind.Your buddies or whoever got the possision charges would have to agree to to take the possesion charge which in most states 42 grams is a felony possesion and lucky if they didnt trump it up as intent to distribute.I hope it goes well but get a second lawyers opinion on this who has dealt with these specific drug cases in your area and if they got a warrant based on aCI (confidential informant) just hope they didnt buy any weed from the house.