Major increase in kwh possibly caused by smart meter?


Active Member
OK guys, here the thing. I never really knew much about smart meters or power rates or any of that before recently when my power bill nearly tripled!! A couple months ago a power guy came knocking on my door saying he was there to install a smart meter. I at the time didn't know I could refuse it. So I let him in and he did his thing. My power bill was around 108 a month and then all of a sudden my bill jumped way up to 300+! So I started doing some digging around on the energy website and noticed that I'm being charged 17 cents more per kwh then what my states average price is! Now you may say, call the company. Well, I'm not exactly in a position to do that and don't want to draw attention to myself. I'm drawing over 2000 watts for 12 hrs and about 1000 for another 6. Can they charge me more per kwh because I'm drawing so much power from the wall for a long period of time? I've done nothing differently in my grow. It's exactly as it's been for months and once that smart meter went in things went to hell in a hand basket Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
When you went to the smart meter the company likely jacked their rates based on time of day, this is pretty typical. Basically they charge outrageous amounts during peak hours and less than what you'd normally pay during non-peak. Check that out, it should be on their site or easy to confirm through a phone call. I run my lights at night 7:00 pm to 6:30 am because that's the lowest rates (7-7). Peak rates during the day can be easily double if not closer to triple.

Another thing to keep in mind if you run AC, my electricity bill for the house triples through peak summer due to my air conditioner, nothing to do with my grow lights. Could be a combo of different billing rates and increased summer usage.
OK guys, here the thing. I never really knew much about smart meters or power rates or any of that before recently when my power bill nearly tripled!! A couple months ago a power guy came knocking on my door saying he was there to install a smart meter. I at the time didn't know I could refuse it. So I let him in and he did his thing. My power bill was around 108 a month and then all of a sudden my bill jumped way up to 300+! So I started doing some digging around on the energy website and noticed that I'm being charged 17 cents more per kwh then what my states average price is! Now you may say, call the company. Well, I'm not exactly in a position to do that and don't want to draw attention to myself. I'm drawing over 2000 watts for 12 hrs and about 1000 for another 6. Can they charge me more per kwh because I'm drawing so much power from the wall for a long period of time? I've done nothing differently in my grow. It's exactly as it's been for months and once that smart meter went in things went to hell in a hand basket Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
my bill about the same,3000 watts plus house 300 a month,u were getting a deal on the old meter that's why they r disappearing.its funny my bill went down after getting smart meter it works both ways
We have time of use billing. Flower time is cheapest from 6 pm to 6 am. It is another stupid money grab system from our previous libtard goverment.
When you went to the smart meter the company likely jacked their rates based on time of day, this is pretty typical. Basically they charge outrageous amounts during peak hours and less than what you'd normally pay during non-peak. Check that out, it should be on their site or easy to confirm through a phone call. I run my lights at night 7:00 pm to 6:30 am because that's the lowest rates (7-7). Peak rates during the day can be easily double if not closer to triple.

Another thing to keep in mind if you run AC, my electricity bill for the house triples through peak summer due to my air conditioner, nothing to do with my grow lights. Could be a combo of different billing rates and increased summer usage.
I had asked them before in the past if they had that and unfortunately they don't offer that :(
When you went to the smart meter the company likely jacked their rates based on time of day, this is pretty typical. Basically they charge outrageous amounts during peak hours and less than what you'd normally pay during non-peak. Check that out, it should be on their site or easy to confirm through a phone call. I run my lights at night 7:00 pm to 6:30 am because that's the lowest rates (7-7). Peak rates during the day can be easily double if not closer to triple.

Another thing to keep in mind if you run AC, my electricity bill for the house triples through peak summer due to my air conditioner, nothing to do with my grow lights. Could be a combo of different billing rates and increased summer usage.
Also, we've been using the ac just as much and on the same temp all summer but our bill is just now Sky rocketing. The thing that gets me is the 17 cent jump in the price per kwh. I almost just want to call the company and ask, would there be any reason to increase price per kwh. But that scares the shit outta me lol
It doesn't matter what the meter is smart or dumb. It's called tiered pricing and is exactly what your use more energy than most people in that area/home size so they charge you more to meet your higher demand.

It's not real time that I know of for basic billing. They know how much is being used over the billing period, and then break it down into the tier pricing from there.
CA "avg" = ~$0.17
Top tier = ~$0.31
It doesn't matter what the meter is smart or dumb. It's called tiered pricing and is exactly what your use more energy than most people in that area/home size so they charge you more to meet your higher demand.

It's not real time that I know of for basic billing. They know how much is being used over the billing period, and then break it down into the tier pricing from there.
CA "avg" = ~$0.17
Top tier = ~$0.31
Well why was it the same for months then all of a sudden they decide to start charging me more? I haven't done anything differently so that's where I'm lost
Well why was it the same for months then all of a sudden they decide to start charging me more? I haven't done anything differently so that's where I'm lost
Dude this has happened everywhere these things are deployed, google smart meter overbilling as I suggested earlier and do some reading. Some people say that the meters are susceptible to RF noise which confuses them and I am sure there are many other theories, but its very unlikely to be related to you or your rates. There are thousands of pissed customers in many countries, there are complaint hotlines and class action lawsuits. Good luck.
In my rural UP of MI, its around $0.19 per KWH....whatever "UPPCO" decides to charge is the ONLY source for electricity...…
I got a notice months ago, saying that an UPPCO employee will be doing a "routine inspection" with possible equipment installation, on my property, anytime from June until the end of September... I suspect the smart meters are coming.....
Yep happen to me.
Hit with 500 than 750 that was in Jan and Feb. 2017.
Mine you the only changes i did was change the flood lights in the front of the house to leds.
Major changes had to be done.
Later found out all the meters in the neighborhood talk to each other( they send data back and forth) .
Then send it to a main data box ,than to edison.
My opinion edison was and is still a thief.
NikolaTesla was the man
Have add this, it is true but strange.
I was passed off and did not want to pay to them the bill was a error.I was talking to my neighbor( in the front yard) all of the sudden I got a shape pain though my head almost dropped me to me knees.
I was looking at my neighbor asked ,did you not feel that he just looked at me weird said no .
My girlfriend came out 2 mins later told me they just shut off the power .1350 dollars and 10 minutes later power was back on. G5 double edge sword.
NikolaTesla was the man
He had a few good ideas, in particular the brushless AC motor (probably his best), but the vast majority of his ideas were either useless (like the tesla coil) unworkable (wireless power transmission) or just downright nutty. Read his essay titled "Automata"....
I’ve had a smart meter for about 6 years and we have time of use pricing so I’m limited to running from 7pm to 7am. I e slowly transitioned back to outdoor but now need to have 4x the plants to get through the year. I’ve also started to buy more at $1000 a lb, almost not worth growing anymore with redicules plant counts :(. My bills is $350 a month without the lab running, doubles when it’s plugged in :(
Edit: I can also access the hourly usage of my place and it’s not hard to see for “anyone” looking that something drastic happens at 7pm for 12 hours lol.