Major issue please help.. ++REP


Well-Known Member
Plants are about 1 week 2 days since germination

Yesterday I gave them their first feeding, this is a soil grow.. advanced nutrients recommended 1200 ppm feeding, i did feeding on the same scale of 800 ppm

i phd water to 6.5

All of the sudden my plants look like this:

Please someone help me identify the problem and solve it, ive been refraining from flushing, but dont want to put plants under stress this early, most of them are fems and i want to keep them that way, ive never had this issue before

Ive attached multiple pictures, mulitple ones showing different symptoms

Some of the plants leaves are browining, others are lightning up and yellowing.. its not bad yet, but it doesnt look to be on the right pathView attachment 1146933View attachment 1146934View attachment 1146935View attachment 1146936View attachment 1146937View attachment 1146938View attachment 1146939View attachment 1146940

put them in bigger pots.

stop feeding them until they get 6 to 8 inches tall.

stop watering them so much.

after doing all that, they should be fine.



Active Member
Well, I have to say that I think your problem is two fold. First, its no mites. Second, it over fert, and you know what to do from here on out. Third, you use some shady/crappy pots for your seedlings. I can tell by the debris/crap on the side of your planter/cereal/two-litter bowls that you let standing water lay in on the top of the soil. I'm pretty sure you dont have drainage wholes in your cereal bowls, god knows what you have those chopped two-liter containers. Standing water=fungus. You want your runoff to be "dirty" and not your perlite on the top layer. Chances are that your roots and stem are infected with fungus too. I would start by making sure my pots have good drainage, and if not put them in a pot that does. You can use neem oil (organic fungicide) in you waterings and sprayed onto the top layer of the soil. Very safe way to treat. In short, lay off the nutes, water only when the top soil is dry and dusty, improve pots with drainage, and treat w/ neem as directed.


Well-Known Member
ive only been watering when the top of soil is bone dry..

they are regular pots with good drainage, ive always used the same pots and same soil, but will be repotting soon

ill pick up the neem oil today

so i guess its not mites?


Well-Known Member
ive only been watering when the top of soil is bone dry..

they are regular pots with good drainage, ive always used the same pots and same soil, but will be repotting soon

ill pick up the neem oil today

so i guess its not mites?
did you miss my post?


Well-Known Member

Stop listening to that idiot from Scotland who thinks that your little seedlings are infested. They arent. We've told you this for two pages now. Proper advice has been given. =P


Well-Known Member

the man was convincing.. he even made me spend $50+ on overnight shipping for a mitacide.. luckily i was able to contact them tell them i didnt need it and they refunded my card.. now i can go to my local store and get it for $20 if i really needed it

got bigger pots today and repotting, plus plain phd water to 6 inches


Well-Known Member
If you give them plain ph water for "at least a week or two" you will find your plants very dead.
everyone says that good starter soil is good enough to keep your seeds fertilized for 3 weeks, including fdd above

is that not true?

i dont disagree with the fact that i shouldnt feed them, i think your partially right and i plan on actually feeding them 200 ppms tomorrow, but i dont think they would die


Well-Known Member
That is a question I cant answer -- I'm a hydro guy. Ignore my watering information for soil -- I dont know much if anything about soil.