Major Problem with 1 of 5 Plants. Week 1/2 Old


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I think I may have over watered this guy, the other 4 plants seem to be doing fine. Just wondering what your take on this guys issue is. He is a link to my
grow journal to see what I have been doing till now. This issue just arose today at 6am. I have been watering them every day or so.. Only found out today that I shouldn't. Any hope for Hurtin JR? The other 4 sisters are following 2 shots of the problem plant.

I should mention that I am not using the EBB and FLOW system as of right now. I am hand watering until the 2nd set of leaves come out.

Thank you for your time.



Well-Known Member
i dunno much about ebb&flow in terms of how much and how often to water, but know that in DWC for instance where the roots are constantly in water, overwatering is avoided by oxidizing the water itself with airpumps. overwatering basically means that roots are not getting enough oxygen, and this can be countered in more than one way.

they do look pretty healthy, what's your rez ppm?


Well-Known Member
Should of Mentioned that im not using the EBB and Flow system yet.
I am hand watering till 2nd set of leaves show! I'll post this at the top now! Apologies!


Well-Known Member
aha. and they are sitting in the rockwool+hydroton only, yes? do you use nutes? If they don't grow enough, put a very low dosage of nutes to your watering. hydroton is very problematic for hand watering, you should set up that system quick.


Well-Known Member
Currently using the 1/4 or little less strength G H Nute's... Weird I thought though cause 4 are looking great and that first I posted is hurting. Considering they have been fed the same amount and from the same fertilizer.


Active Member
Dunno the specifics of how u'v been watering, but the rw in the first couple of pics... the stunted gal... is dry as a bone.

You might want to pull that cube/gal & resoak her... really well.


Well-Known Member
you were right MIway, took the rockwool out.. and it was super DRY....
Im setting up my EBB and FLOW right now.... so I wont have to worry!
Thank's everyone for there timely replys!


Well-Known Member
Currently using the 1/4 or little less strength G H Nute's... Weird I thought though cause 4 are looking great and that first I posted is hurting. Considering they have been fed the same amount and from the same fertilizer.
Did you PH the RW beforehand? If not you have lockout on the one. Just give the little one some special attention. Continue watering as you were until the roots start to come out the bottom and crank up the EF .


Active Member
people seem to get way to ahead of themselves with everything these days.... for one i would just let seedlings sit in there 1" rockwool cubes on a warming pad, in a 6x2 1" tray and leave them close under the florescent 24 7, water the cube when it starts to get light and dry, when i see the roots pop out then transplant to a 4" cube and pot with hydroton..... nm the hydroton the nutes right from the start, keep the ph around 5-5.5 and let them get strong before adding nutes etc

quick edit for visual reference, some clones vegging, but this is how i veg seedlings too, pretty simple shit:



Well-Known Member
No I did not intend to use Hydrozyme, I hadent heard of it until now.

Just did some reading on it though. Its something i'll strongly consider to help combat the root rot.


Well-Known Member
i hate growing seedlings in cfls... they always stretch till they fall. don't they do that for you too?


Active Member
nope i keep them tight under the light..... with a gentle breeze on a timer, i never have any issues.... stretching is not all about lights, it can be about temperatures and humidity as well