Majority Backs ‘Medicare for All’ Replacing Private Plans, if Preferred Providers Stay

this thread is about as productive as watching dudes circle jerk each other off

non-conformists get a warm. "GO AWAY. YOU THREATEN MY BELIEF SYSTEM. SEE IT FROM MY POINT OF VIEW. FUCK YOUR POINT VIEW. WAH!" #entitled #stubborn #triggered

yup. default solution of no solution is clearly the solution. no wonder nobody wants to get involved in politics. americans' arrogance is toxic
this thread is about as productive as watching dudes circle jerk each other off
So you got aroused? That was not our intention, I assure you, Anatoly.

non-conformists get a warm. "GO AWAY. YOU THREATEN MY BELIEF SYSTEM. SEE IT FROM MY POINT OF VIEW. FUCK YOUR POINT VIEW. WAH!" #entitled #stubborn #triggered

yup. default solution of no solution is clearly the solution. no wonder nobody wants to get involved in politics. americans' arrogance is toxic

At no point did you ever formulate a thought, let alone threaten anybody's belief system. As far as your non-conformity, sorry, you are just another little dickhole who is more self-impressed than anything else. Welcome to the real world.

You have to be a millennial because clearly nobody ever clued you in to your lack of insight, talent and intelligence.

But you have great makeup.


Hope you learned something today.
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i've been stating my opinion. I've been feeling that your inquisitiveness has been more condescending than curious. It's the same, "because I've lived longer I know better" mentality of senile age seniority.

You enjoyed projecting your rage about other people raging about Rothschilds.

Are you going to compose yourself into greater civility so I can address your perceptions from my perspective or should we just save our time & energy by letting go of our discussion? I'd for sure benefit from not having to read your continued tantrum of passive-aggressiveness.

The internet is not the best place for reasonable discussions so please don't get discouraged. It is worth understanding that a lot of people online have been reading about a lot of the things your talking about for years and with dealing with so many trolls the explanation of why things are not the way whatever point any particular post makes just gets demolished.

For the Rothschild stuff, generally it is a train of thought that goes from 'insert mean rich person's name' to 'corporate elite stealing from the little guy' to something like 'elite out to get you' to 'elite are jewish and want to suppress the white man' to copy/pasting Stormfront posts.
The internet is not the best place for reasonable discussions so please don't get discouraged. It is worth understanding that a lot of people online have been reading about a lot of the things your talking about for years and with dealing with so many trolls the explanation of why things are not the way whatever point any particular post makes just gets demolished.

For the Rothschild stuff, generally it is a train of thought that goes from 'insert mean rich person's name' to 'corporate elite stealing from the little guy' to something like 'elite out to get you' to 'elite are jewish and want to suppress the white man' to copy/pasting Stormfront posts.

Good points. It'd be naive of me to think that adults don't have the freedom to behave as they please on the internet.

Appreciate your encouraging reminder
this thread is about as productive as watching dudes circle jerk each other off

non-conformists get a warm. "GO AWAY. YOU THREATEN MY BELIEF SYSTEM. SEE IT FROM MY POINT OF VIEW. FUCK YOUR POINT VIEW. WAH!" #entitled #stubborn #triggered

yup. default solution of no solution is clearly the solution. no wonder nobody wants to get involved in politics. americans' arrogance is toxic
Welcome to RIU

That's how most of these political threads go. If you notice, your critics aren't arguing against any points you've made, instead, they argue against your character. There's a good reason for that
Libertarians are just Republicans who are duped by big words about economics that they don't understand.

Its been a few years since I looked into this, but I know the alt-right were trying to infiltrate economic programs with funding from large donors having these nutmeg 'economists' appointed at real colleges/universities. I read through some of their stuff back then, and basically the economics they spout says if you don't need to use math to validate what you are saying it is better to 'think' about why you're right and ignore anything that counters what you have to say. Scary shit imo.
Sanders doesn't know how much it will cost or how to pay for it
"You're asking a fair question. How do you pay for that? Well, what we have chosen not to do, because it would just engender enormous debate, is to tell you how I'm going to raise every nickel in a $3.5 trillion budget. That's something that is going to have to be discussed. So I want to lay out the program as to what it would mean, and to tell you that it will cost you, and ordinary Americans, a lot less than you are currently spending on average.

What it will probably end up looking like is a payroll tax on employers, an increase in income tax in a progressive way for ordinary people with a significant deductible for low-income people who will pay nothing for it. Upper-income people will pay more.

That said, there is no need to force everybody into Sander's void of uncertainty in how to provide healthcare. Medicare is a very good service and I'm sure that if people were given a choice many would choose Medicare over private healthcare.
If you believe that's the case, why is duplicate healthcare coverage banned in countries that implement universal healthcare, like the UK or Canada?
"You're asking a fair question. How do you pay for that? Well, what we have chosen not to do, because it would just engender enormous debate, is to tell you how I'm going to raise every nickel in a $3.5 trillion budget. That's something that is going to have to be discussed. So I want to lay out the program as to what it would mean, and to tell you that it will cost you, and ordinary Americans, a lot less than you are currently spending on average.

What it will probably end up looking like is a payroll tax on employers, an increase in income tax in a progressive way for ordinary people with a significant deductible for low-income people who will pay nothing for it. Upper-income people will pay more."
"WE"? lol Who are "we"? Why was he afraid of a debate? It's a quarter of this economy and 365 million people depend on it. "We" the people demand a debate.

Face it, chump, Bernie didn't include enough details in his healthcare plan for the CBO to perform a firm cost analysis because even your kind would reject his plan when you see the bill that you would pay. There are too many assumptions built into Bernie's claims about his healthcare plan for most but the hopelessly naive to believe.

Bernie hasn't even adequately explain his plan well enough. Only now are those people you love to cite in outdated polls coming around to the fact that Bernie's plan would permanently strip them of the private plan they like. When they do learn about that, support drops to 38%. For good reason too. There are better ways to get everybody the care they need without putting them at risk.

The best path to universal healthcare is to make healthcare affordable for everybody without forcing them out of plans they like: Strengthen the ACA. Return the funding to the ACA that Republicans withheld when they failed to honor the government's commitment to subsidize those who can't afford it. Add the public option so that people can choose Medicare. Make Medicare a great service at a good price.
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Its been a few years since I looked into this, but I know the alt-right were trying to infiltrate economic programs with funding from large donors having these nutmeg 'economists' appointed at real colleges/universities. I read through some of their stuff back then, and basically the economics they spout says if you don't need to use math to validate what you are saying it is better to 'think' about why you're right and ignore anything that counters what you have to say. Scary shit imo.
Yup, The Mises Institute, one of the main sources cited by libertarians even says it up front:

These great thinkers developed praxeology, a deductive science of human action based on premises known with certainty to be true, and this is what we teach and advocate. Our scholarly work is founded in Misesian praxeology, and in self-conscious opposition to the mathematical modeling and hypothesis-testing that has created so much confusion in neoclassical economics.

In a nutshell, American-style economic libertarian philosophy rejects science in favor of belief and the need for proof. Not very different from religion. Europe libertarian philosophy is quite different. The term was made into something else by US conservative propaganda in the 1970's. By their own words, science creates "so much confusion", we need a truthy economic philosophy instead.

They go on to talk about their "Mission and "What they do".

What We Do
For scholars worldwide, the Mises Institute offers fellowships, research grants, opportunities to publish in scholarly journals, academic conferences, access to our extensive libraries, and more.

Helping students discover the economics of freedom, and inspiring them to go on to teach at the university level, is a priority for us. Since 1986, the Institute has held Mises University, a summer school for students from all over North America and the world. For more than fifteen years, we’ve offered the Rothbard Graduate Seminar, an in-depth seminar for graduate students. In total, we have provided 10,000 students at more than 1,000 colleges and universities with financial aid ranging from one-year book scholarships to full multi-year PhD fellowships.

For laymen, we offer numerous publications, seminars, online classes through Mises Academy, videos and daily commentary on timely issues (subscribe to Mises Daily at no charge).

Free propaganda for the masses and an offer of grants to write fake papers for journals and academic conferences. Millions of dollars annual budget. Tens of millions of dollars in assets. No list of donors.
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Yup, The Mises Institute, one of the main sources cited by libertarians even says it up front:

These great thinkers developed praxeology, a deductive science of human action based on premises known with certainty to be true, and this is what we teach and advocate. Our scholarly work is founded in Misesian praxeology, and in self-conscious opposition to the mathematical modeling and hypothesis-testing that has created so much confusion in neoclassical economics.

In a nutshell, American-style economic libertarian philosophy rejects science in favor of belief while rejecting the need for proof. Not very different from religion. Europe libertarian philosophy is quite different. The term was made into something else by US conservative propaganda in the 1970's. By their own words, science creates "so much confusion", we need a truthy economic philosophy instead.

They go on to talk about their "Mission and "What they do".

What We Do
For scholars worldwide, the Mises Institute offers fellowships, research grants, opportunities to publish in scholarly journals, academic conferences, access to our extensive libraries, and more.

Helping students discover the economics of freedom, and inspiring them to go on to teach at the university level, is a priority for us. Since 1986, the Institute has held Mises University, a summer school for students from all over North America and the world. For more than fifteen years, we’ve offered the Rothbard Graduate Seminar, an in-depth seminar for graduate students. In total, we have provided 10,000 students at more than 1,000 colleges and universities with financial aid ranging from one-year book scholarships to full multi-year PhD fellowships.

For laymen, we offer numerous publications, seminars, online classes through Mises Academy, videos and daily commentary on timely issues (subscribe to Mises Daily at no charge).

Free propaganda for the masses and an offer of grants to write fake papers for journals and academic conferences. Millions of dollars annual budget. Tens of millions of dollars in assets. No list of donors.
Uh oh, once again, the bugbear is neoliberalism.

Tty should get an honorary membership card. He won't be bothered by all the little neo-nazis as long as they respect him. That is in his interest.
If you believe that's the case, why is duplicate healthcare coverage banned in countries that implement universal healthcare, like the UK or Canada?

What UK and Canada do has no bearing on the idiocy of running for President on a policy of making people in the US give up health are plans they like in favor of an unknown and hypothetical healthcare system. You Bernie babies aren't much different from US Libertarians who simply believe without the need for facts or proof.

The devil is in the details. Unlike you, most people want those details to be available for examination and debate.
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