majority of employers favor raising minimum wage


Well-Known Member
then vote for people like clinton and obama, whose presidencies saw record high stock markets and tens of millions of new jobs added, over presidents like reagan and bush, whose presidencies saw massive, record setting deficits, less jobs added, stock market crashes, terrorist attacks, and massive government expansion.

It is a fact that Clinton and the republican majority senate and house did create the most jobs since WW2
Obama hasn't created shit for net jobs, that's also a fact.


Well-Known Member
Since 2008 the US has deficit spent $8 Trillion. All 8 trillion of it was spent on blow and hookers that last day that Bush was in office, since then Obama has paid off the deficit, cured cancer, raised the dead and made the world safe for peace. China and Russia have willingly bowed down to our greatness and disarmed all their nuclear weapons. Obama talked to Mohammed and the nation of Islam is now turning to Christianity.

Oh and I just saved a bundle by switching to Geico.

Did I forget anything?

I like how Obama slashed that deficit from $9 trillion to $18 trillion, awesome job!!


Well-Known Member
Since 2008 the US has deficit spent $8 Trillion. All 8 trillion of it was spent on blow and hookers that last day that Bush was in office, since then Obama has paid off the deficit, cured cancer, raised the dead and made the world safe for peace. China and Russia have willingly bowed down to our greatness and disarmed all their nuclear weapons. Obama talked to Mohammed and the nation of Islam is now turning to Christianity.

Oh and I just saved a bundle by switching to Geico.

Did I forget anything?

I like how Obama slashed that deficit from $9 trillion to $18 trillion, awesome job!!
You are trying to convince an idiot of something, wasting your time.


Well-Known Member
If Obama created 5 million net jobs, then there should be 5 million + population growth jobs created.

Ask buck what it is like to have a job, he won't be able to tell he has never had one. Cuts into his racism time over at Stormfront.


Well-Known Member
what type of subsidies do you receive from FED?
the standard going rate is $18 an acre for corn, that does not include the welfare that comprises the price floor on his crop or the other goodies he gets, like welfare to NOT plant a crop certain years.


Well-Known Member
the standard going rate is $18 an acre for corn, that does not include the welfare that comprises the price floor on his crop or the other goodies he gets, like welfare to NOT plant a crop certain years.
how much do you estimate ND receives every year?


Well-Known Member
how much do you estimate ND receives every year?
depends on the acreage he plants and gets paid not to plant, but several million before the price floor is taken into account.

it takes a smooth quarter million just to plant water fertilize and harvest 100 acres of potatoes. farming is expensive.


Well-Known Member
Bucky, always ready to begrudge anyone's success.

You know what envy does to you? It keeps you ignorant and poor.
where did i begrudge your "success"?

i just pointed out how much welfare you scoop up, plagiarizer princess.


Well-Known Member
obama has created nearly 5 million net jobs, over 10 million jobs since stopping and reversing the bush recession that h inherited.

and unlike reagan, bush, and bush, he did it all without adding to public sector payrolls.

and he did it while slashing the deficit by a record amount, instead of adding to the deficit by record amounts (like reagan, bush, and bush).

you are too stupid to acknowledge this.
Economy has recovered 8.7 million jobs lost in Great Recession
June 6th, 2014
The nation's employers created a solid number of jobs last month that pushed the economy to a milestone: It finally recovered all 8.7 million jobs lost during the Great Recession.

But economists warned that it's not time yet to break out the champagne for a labor market that has failed to keep up with population growth over the last 6 1/2 years and continues to struggle to create higher-wage jobs.

"Things are improving, but it's happening agonizingly slowly," said Heidi Shierholz, a labor market economist at the Economic Policy Institute.

Four months ago this article was written by the LA Times, if we just recovered the 8.7 million jobs lost from the recession, are you saying Obama created 5 million jobs in the last four months?
or are you too stupid to figure this out?


Well-Known Member
Four months ago this article was written by the LA Times, if we just recovered the 8.7 million jobs lost from the recession, are you saying Obama created 5 million jobs in the last four months?
or are you too stupid to figure this out?
are you too stupid to realize that we were losing millions of jobs before obama came into office thanks tot he bush recession and that not all 8.7 million of those lost jobs happened on obama's watch?

your time would be better spent mowing the lawn with your teeth, beenthere.


Well-Known Member
We are at full employment, the only people not working are the ones that don't want a full time good paying job with benefits. Cuz thats what kind of jobs are out there waiting for millions of people if you just got off your ass.


Well-Known Member
We are at full employment, the only people not working are the ones that don't want a full time good paying job with benefits. Cuz thats what kind of jobs are out there waiting for millions of people if you just got off your ass.
nice attempt at hyperbole for a stupid person.