Make a perfect hydro system for cheap..

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wasted roots

Active Member
Made a economical and low budget hyrdroponic system with the help of my Job. Which is Irrigation specialist. This requires some knowledge of irrigation and sprinkler skills, but its not hard very simple, and economical in these tuff times... Ask question??? I am open to share information regarding this project. Feel Free too message...
If anyone else has had a simple Hyrdroponic project please post and show pictures..... check out the pictures.
PEACe:peace: and Goodluck:weed:


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BUBBLEPONICS™, taking aeroponics to the next level...


Bubbleponics™ is the art of delivering highly oxygenated nutriently enriched water DIRECTLY to the inner root zone. The days of merely misting the outer roots with nutrient spray are over. Gone too are the days of over/under watering, over/under feeding; the Stealth Hydro Bubbleponic System automatically maintains the ideal oxygen level of the nutrient solution so as to facilitate a healthy thriving root system.

By adding Additional Oxygen, via bubbles, and nutrients to each grow cup, in a slight trickle (not a solid flow) You do not need a timer on the feeding tubes, and the cube or root base will not drown as is possible in a DRIP System.

A DIY Bubbleponics System:

You need an underwater pump, a submersive pump, 150 gph to 250 gph.

Walmart, Lowes, and Home Depot have the pumps. It is a small cheap pump like they use on water fountains in the home or yard.

It sits in the bottom of the tank, under water, here are a few examples:

DuraPump Water Pump - 185 gph
DuraPump Submersible Water Pump - 185 gph

Do an Internet Google Search to find, or Available from $17.99

DuraPump Water Pump - 240 gphDuraPump Submersible Water Pump - 240 gph
Price: $22.99

Zoom View 250 gph Ryobi Universal Water Pump

$17.97/EA Each from Home Depot

You also need a Irrigation Hub, also called an Irrigation Manifold. Many different ones can be found.

DiG Six Outlet Irrigation Manifold DiG Six Outlet Irrigation Manifold
Price: $12.99 420Budman showed us one that Lowes has, he said:

The brand name is MISTER LANDSCAPER. It is in the DRIP IRRIGATION section (even says "drip irrigation" on the package), the technical name for it is PVC SPRINKLER ADAPTER (that is on the package too), the item# is 191779, and the model# is MLA-RA9, and the cost is $10.73. My local Lowes had about 9-10 of them in stock.

Rain Bird Landscape Dripline System 2.0 GPH Manifold #MANIF2-1PK
Available at,, and Home Depot for $4.99 to $5.99

You connect that Irrigation hub or Irrigation Manifold to the pump, and run 1/4 plastic tubes from the hub to each grow cup, to look like this:


You can use an 8 gallon tote as seen in above pic, (with 6 gallons of water) or a 5 gallon bucket, with 4 gallons of water.

You need an AIR PUMP:

$12.99 for Dual or two airstones


VERY Quiet, $9.95 to $19.95, depending on size.

Any place that sells Aquariums has them, like PetCo, Pet Smart, Walmart. They will have the airpumps and tubes and airstones.

There are 6, 8, 10 and 12 inch long airstones for aquariums, like this one:

Airstones are $3.99 to $5.99 depending on lenght.
You can also find round ones, and long AIR DIFFUSERS that make large curtains of air bubbles in the tank.

As the water in the tank BUBBLES, that Bubbley water is pumped to each cup, creating the most rapid growth rate a young sprout or clone can experience.

Look at the dates of these pics, at the growth rate. Also notice the small runts started the same day in soil.


4 days later:

Get roots like these:


and plants like this:


More pics at the link here: My PICS

Questions? let me hear from ya.
Don't the roots hang in the water with that system? Isn't that bad?

Yes, sure do. It is called Hydroponics. aka DWC, or Deep Water Culture.

Root can drown and rot in sitting water.

Many years ago, actually, all the way back to Babylon, where the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were, they grew the plants in Hydroponics. Since then, for thousands of years, they thought that to grow sucessfully in water, the water had to be moving, or running, or flowing.
In this century, we learned that instead of MOVING water, you could just add ample amounts of AIR or Oxygen to the water, and the plant will thrive and the roots will NOT rot.

It is a fasinating subject, Hydroponics. I love it.

In this system, the root base is suspended in AIR, in a Grow Cup, with nutrient enriched water flowing down
the roots, falling into the tank. Between the Grow Cup bottom and the top of the water, is an AIR POCKET.
And then the roots grow into and hang in the deep water, that is all bubbley with air stones, fed by an aquarium air pump.
Wow, that sounds great! So all I need to do is throw an airstone into the water? Will that oxygenate the water enough? I really like the simplicity of the system you made. I love hydro as well I tried other methods and so far hydro is my favorite.
Hey i bought a simple wilma system that curranty dispatched and on its way... horaay!... but im just wondering as ive havent used a hydro system before if its a good system and i havent just ripped myself off lol... any advise / pointer would be good.. cheerzz
Wow, that sounds great! So all I need to do is throw an airstone into the water? Will that oxygenate the water enough? I really like the simplicity of the system you made. I love hydro as well I tried other methods and so far hydro is my favorite.

Basically, that is it...especially for what is called a DWC system. You get an airstone attached to an air pump, and put it in the water. In a DWC System, you start with Clones, or sprouted plants with roots.

In the Bubbleponics system, that has the feeder tubes, you can start seeds in it.
Hey i bought a simple wilma system that curranty dispatched and on its way... horaay!... but im just wondering as ive havent used a hydro system before if its a good system and i havent just ripped myself off lol... any advise / pointer would be good.. cheerzz

That is a DWC Drip System.
There are a number of different Wilma Drip Hydroponic systems. The most common for home use are the Wilma 4, 8 and 10 pot systems.
Drip systems are the most widely used Hydroponic systems in the world. They are commonly used in commercial facilities for growing long term crops like tomatoes and peppers. Drip systems provide plenty of aeration (more than ebb and flow) because plant roots are never totally submerged, but are never allowed to dry out.
Wilma Drip Hydroponic systems operate very simply. A pump has tubing connected to it which then branches off to smaller tubes feeding many plants. Nutrient solution is dripped onto the base of each plant where it then trickles down through the grow media (inert or soil based) and into the roots and finally drains into the reservoir where it is re-used. Wilma Drip Hydroponic Systems using this growing technique is generally favored by gardeners who wish to grow small to large sized plants, while providing a precise and controlled feeding program.