Make it rain technique ?

That's what I was trying to tell you to do.
Thanks for this. My boss's theory in how to run a business is by leading with fear and intimidation. He was screaming at us employee's literally over nothing yesterday and screaming at the top of his lungs. I stepped out of my comfort zone which is normally real chill and said "Dude, Everyone here would respect you alot more and work harder for you if you were actually good to us"

Im main manager but my main boss is a piece of shit type human being... horrible anger problems and believes that the way you get people to work good is make them fearful of being fired every day when they clock in.

I only make 28 grand a year and I'm seriously thinking about 30 minutes from now walking in the door clocking in .. looking at him and saying "I can't work for your tyrant ass" and clocking out ... forever!

If you're a manager someone .. your employees will respect you more and work harder for you if you show them some dignity and respect. I've seen that time and time again and it is true.

Right now.. at this point.. I hate my life... but I also need the money because im dirt poor... so I'm stuck in one shitty situation.

I'm actually drinking some beers before work just so I can handle the mental struggle that is my daily work life.

The saddest part.. wether I make 8 dollars an hour or 80 dollars an hour you get the same.. back breaking .. I'll kill myself work out of me.. I've always been like that.

My boss is a fucking douchebag.
I've had a few bosses like that and FUCK people with that shitty ass mentality. Like yourself, I would hate going into work each day and have came real close to knocking the son of a bitch out too! A sucker punch can say something that words just can't say, lol. But the reality is I'm an intelligent person and know the outcome of such actions as violently attacking a supervisor. I'd go to jail and that shitty ass person would keep his job just to torment others.

I did end the job with the yelling asshole in proper fashion though. He came in work one day and instantly started yelling, "I FUCKING THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO HAVE THIS JOB DONE ALREADY, blah blah blah" and then he pounded on the my work desk and that's when I lost it. I stood up and yelled right back at him, "Fuck you Joe I fucking quit!"

His jaw dropped and he instantly started back pedaling like "sorry I didn't mean nothing by it" Fuck that shit.

You gotta get out of there Bro. I know it sucks finding a new job but you'll be so much happier when you're not working for a dick head.
Obvious to me. I've had too many esoteric conversations with Dr. Who on the subject of marijuana, stuff only a grower would care to know. Not showing pics is probably a good idea given what we now know about data privacy in this country from latest WikiLeaks. Peace bro.

I had my roundy round with another "member" (pun intended). NOT getting goaded into this childish bullshit again. Especially by this red headed ass clown and his narcissistic god complex....That most likely came from all that alleged LSD use.....You know, the use that made him such a heavyweight doper. High tolerance and all. Made him blind too, all the pictures he see's are the same.

He's got me so flustered! maybe I should get my wife a new account here. Then she can log on and protect me.

The sad part is they quit banning the idiots here......Maybe they simply need the numbers to get their advertising dollars.

Talking with several other members on the fly. One had actually attempted to get banned. Didn't work.
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Why did I get banned? Oh yeah because I suggested that one of your buddies gets his plant off the cold basement floor. Instead of taking my advise he had me banned for spam. You even admitted to my face in my house that he was wrong for that. I was very nice to you and you just go and drag my name in the dirt. Who gave you the right? As you should have noticed I don't always share Mr. views on things but what you just did sure makes me share his view on you. I'm disappointed that I allowed you in my home. However I am glad that I met your girl, she is sweet. How did she end up with a 2faced jerk like you? I started my RIU account to share my knowledge as well as see others views on horticulture, this crap makes me want to just sick to cosmetology forums. This seems to be more of a penis competition than a place to learn.

And it seems your husband is the one losing said competition, just sayin!!!
I had my roundy round with another "member" (pun intended). NOT getting goaded into this childish bullshit again. Especially by this red headed ass clown and his narcissistic god complex....That most likely came from all that alleged LSD use.....You know, the use that made him such a heavyweight doper. High tolerance and all. Made him blind too, all the pictures he see's are the same.

He's got me so flustered! maybe I should get my wife a new account here. Then she can log on and protect me.

The sad part is they quit banning the idiots here......Maybe they simply need the numbers to get their advertising dollars.

Talking with several other members on the fly. One had actually attempted to get banned. Didn't work.

You change sides easily. If you were who you say you are why would you be flustered?
And it seems your husband is the one losing said competition, just sayin!!!

If the competition is "who looks more childish" its looking pretty evenly matched.

In the red corner we have a big baby with a rattle and cloth diaper, and in the blue corner we have a big baby with a pacifier and a bit of cheerios he cant seem to figure out how to eat around the pacifier, and is getting a bit worked up over, thankfully the pacifier is muffling the whines a little.

The compatition is really heating up folks, this is for ALL THE GLORY.