Make Liberalism Great Again

does your hubby make you wear a bag over your head when you guys have sex, so that he is not constantly thinking that he is fucking a fat male child?
Sorry bro, I don't agree with your way of thinking. I understand you did it for "all the right reasons" as it pertains to yourself, but you didn't cast that vote with others in mind.
So this is where you lose me, because I absolutely cast that vote with others in mind. You can try to paint is as selfish all you want, but you can't argue with the fact that in the long run, upholding democracy is more important than winning.
I agree, Citizens United needs to go. Unfortunately the hundreds of thousands of people throughout the United States that thought like you have all but allowed that shit law to stand. Not a chance in hell the Drumpf administration is going to get rid of it.
9% of democrats voted for Trump. Where is the logic in blaming people who voted for 3rd party candidates when 9% of your own party didn't vote for the nominee? Even with 100% of the votes that went to Jill Stein, Clinton still would have lost the election.
There isn't much to explain, it's REALLY simple logic. If you did not vote for Hillary Clinton, in places where it counted according the rules of the Electoral College game, was one less vote Drumpf needed to win gerrymandered districts. You and everyone who voted like you either knew full well there were only two possible choices for President, or too fucking stupid to realize and probably shouldn't be voting in the first place.
"in places where it counted according the rules of the Electoral College game"

OK, so does that rule me out, since I voted in California?
NO because you helped flame the fire of Bullshit all during the general because Bernie decided to be with her.

such a selfish little child he is. if he can't have his ideal candidate, then he goes to work for the other side.

i would have loved to see joaquin castro or cory booker before hillary, but i didn't start posting about breitbart conspiracy theories when i found out they weren't gonna run.

whiny little 'men's rights' activist.
such a selfish little child he is. if he can't have his ideal candidate, then he goes to work for the other side.

i would have loved to see joaquin castro or cory booker before hillary, but i didn't start posting about breitbart conspiracy theories when i found out they weren't gonna run.

whiny little 'men's rights' activist.
mens rights??? when did that become a thing ? Does that include all men ?? WTF now I'm confused
Yeah, the mainstream media that's watched by millions of people couldn't sway the democratic primary by all but 1%-2%, but me, one random asshole on the internet somehow is solely responsible for Clinton's loss...
you were part of the problem in the general. People like you and you. OWN IT
Fed nothing but negative Clinton energy all during the General, even after your man says "I'm with her ".
Now you get nothing that you so wanted. How that 15 an hour looking now. Hope your fucking vote was for that. If not YOU ARE AN IDIOT
So this is where you lose me, because I absolutely cast that vote with others in mind. You can try to paint is as selfish all you want, but you can't argue with the fact that in the long run, upholding democracy is more important than winning.

9% of democrats voted for Trump. Where is the logic in blaming people who voted for 3rd party candidates when 9% of your own party didn't vote for the nominee? Even with 100% of the votes that went to Jill Stein, Clinton still would have lost the election.

"in places where it counted according the rules of the Electoral College game"

OK, so does that rule me out, since I voted in California?

such a selfish little child he is.
So, so selfish of me. How dare I consider the democratic rights of future generations important above a corporatist sellout democrat.
if he can't have his ideal candidate, then he goes to work for the other side.
How did I "go to work for the other side"? You guys still have yet to explain your accusation of me joining the alt-right simply because I oppose your corporatist shill of a democratic loser, Hillary Clinton, who lost in one of the biggest political upsets in American history to a guy who once sold steaks at Sharper Image...

If I couldn't have had my ideal candidate win, I would have supported the democratic nominee over Donald Trump had he/she led a fair campaign. Hillary Clinton didn't, so I couldn't in clear conscience support her for president. If you want me to support your candidate, you need to run a candidate I can support. Seems pretty simple, to be honest..
you were part of the problem in the general. People like you and you. OWN IT
Fed nothing but negative Clinton energy all during the General, even after your man says "I'm with her ".
Now you get nothing that you so wanted. How that 15 an hour looking now. Hope your fucking vote was for that. If not YOU ARE AN IDIOT
How was I part of the problem Clinton didn't get elected but the mainstream media wasn't part of the problem Sanders lost the primary?

You're holding two inconsistent beliefs; 1. The mainstream media didn't affect the democratic primary, and 2. I did affect the outcome of the general election by expressing my views against Clinton
The point of the op was asking liberals to set aside their morality and put social issues on the back burner for the good of the party and to keep the likes of Trump out of office. Nope, no way, no how. Not gonna happen.

Paddy doesn't vote for Clinton because she's morally reprehensible to him, and he's taking it up the ass for not setting his morals aside for the good of the party and to keep the likes of Trump out of office.

Paddy, you selfish prick
So, so selfish of me. How dare I consider the democratic rights of future generations important above a corporatist sellout democrat.

How did I "go to work for the other side"? You guys still have yet to explain your accusation of me joining the alt-right simply because I oppose your corporatist shill of a democratic loser, Hillary Clinton, who lost in one of the biggest political upsets in American history to a guy who once sold steaks at Sharper Image...

If I couldn't have had my ideal candidate win, I would have supported the democratic nominee over Donald Trump had he/she led a fair campaign. Hillary Clinton didn't, so I couldn't in clear conscience support her for president. If you want me to support your candidate, you need to run a candidate I can support. Seems pretty simple, to be honest..
I called you an alt right shill because you were criticizing people who were offended by racist and sexist behavior. You called me out for being a "sjw" and I wear that title proudly because I'm not one of them. You were never called out for not supporting Clinton. Not by me, at least.
So this is where you lose me, because I absolutely cast that vote with others in mind. You can try to paint is as selfish all you want, but you can't argue with the fact that in the long run, upholding democracy is more important than winning.

9% of democrats voted for Trump. Where is the logic in blaming people who voted for 3rd party candidates when 9% of your own party didn't vote for the nominee? Even with 100% of the votes that went to Jill Stein, Clinton still would have lost the election.

"in places where it counted according the rules of the Electoral College game"

OK, so does that rule me out, since I voted in California?

lol. now you're starting to confuse your bubble logic with fact.
you win man. electoral college is legit and you (the figurative you) had nothing to do with Hillary's loss. it was all her fault. because benghazi!

don't make me put you in 'that' pile bro. you don't want to be in 'that' pile.
I called you an alt right shill because you were criticizing people who were offended by racist and sexist behavior. You called me out for being a "sjw" and I wear that title proudly because I'm not one of them. You were never called out for not supporting Clinton. Not by me, at least.
I was criticizing people who made it a habit of criticizing things that weren't actually racist or sexist. I wasn't criticizing people who were criticizing thing that were actually racist or sexist as I also believe those things should be criticized.