Make Liberalism Great Again

Speaking of lies, hows the misquoting business? Pretty bad I see.

jhonnybravosc commented on a video 4 years ago
Here's my point: Fuck all of yall, black and white and brown who feel you are entitled to what is mine. I don't owe anyone anything. Fuck my skin color and yours and the Presidents. I saved my money while most of you bought new stuff. I grow my food while most of yall go out to eat on credit. I put 30% down on my home while a lot of yall forced my tax money to guarantee loans to people of no account and speculators. I gross 30k and net 20k but don't qualify for ANYTHING. Screw all yall:p

just going by your own words here, but if you net $20k a year for a family of three, you are below the poverty line, pay no net taxes, get more back than you paid in via the EITC, and qualify for virtually every welfare program available.

so there's that.
You can't disagree with an opinion? Really? So if I said hairy assholes are hot, you wouldn't disagree?
Perfect example.
I would not disagree that you think hairy assholes are hot, no.

I might ask for clarification, you mean heat hot, spicy hot to the taste, sexually hot ECT.

If you meant heat hot and the hairy asshole were dead for days I might show you a thermometer reading. We may or may not agree on this data point or its relativity.
I don't understand what you are trying to say. One person. Who?

I re-read news articles published at the time. I just don't see how these banal wikileaks prove that Wasserman masterminded the downfall of Sanders through DNC cheating. I'm not convinced by your belief absent of facts. So, I'm asking for more than your mostly worthless opinion.

She called Bernie an ass in one internal office mail.
In another internal office mail: She said Bernie has never been a Democrat and didn't understand what the party was trying to do.

Big woop. Is this the infernal puppet master that you are talking about?

Why must you insist upon spoon feeding?

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resigns From DNC In Wake Of WikiLeaks ...[/paste:font]upload_2016-11-23_21-31-38.jpeg

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resigns From DNC In Wake Of WikiLeaks Email Dump. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) resigned her post as chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) late Sunday afternoon, the day before the party was set to kick off its national convention in Philadelphia.Jul 24, 2016
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resigns From DNC In Wake Of WikiLeaks ...
I wonder if the outcome of the general election would have been different had she and the DNC not been caught with their hand in the cookie jar? She basically, unwittingly, reinforced Trumps narrative of "crooked Hillary", and in the process alienated millions of Bernie supporters.

Just like 2008.

When will they learn it's no longer up to the elites?
Inflation tax. Asshole is inflated. Vjj in a penal.

Really though $290 per month at commisary would have bought a lot more lotion and cigarettes in 1950.
OMG you are dumb. inflation is not a Federal Tax, but you know some people in prison never make commissary. Are you claiming selling your ass for lotion cigarettes and snacks in prison is a Federal Tax you paid ?
OMG you are dumb. inflation is not a Federal Tax, but you know some people in prison never make commissary. Are you claiming selling your ass for lotion cigarettes and snacks in prison is a Federal Tax you paid ?

I concede. The .00000001% of prisoners who dont commisary likely dont pay a federal tax.

A point well worth making sir you have saved lives with this one tonite

You may take my non existent siggy for your almost non existent win, I really wasn't using it.

In the real world all you have mentioned is income. Payroll, gift, estate...all income to the man. Then you turbo tax the constitution, and leave excise tax at the door.

Congrats turbo.
I concede. The .00000001% of prisoners who dont commisary likely dont pay a federal tax.

A point well worth making sir you have saved lives with this one tonite

You may take my non existent siggy for your almost non existent win, I really wasn't using it.

In the real world all you have mentioned is income. Payroll, gift, estate...all income to the man. Then you turbo tax the constitution, and leave excise tax at the door.

Congrats turbo.

you don't even pay taxes, poverty cuck. quit your fucking whining.
I concede. The .00000001% of prisoners who dont commisary likely dont pay a federal tax.

A point well worth making sir you have saved lives with this one tonite

You may take my non existent siggy for your almost non existent win, I really wasn't using it.

In the real world all you have mentioned is income. Payroll, gift, estate...all income to the man. Then you turbo tax the constitution, and leave excise tax at the door.

Congrats turbo.
Does your family hate you for being so broke that all you do is complain ? You in for a real treat coming.
Have you guys also witnessed the attempts by Clinton surrogates, the DNC and the mainstream media at the blame game?

Blame everybody else but yourself! Blame James Comey, even though he officially cleared Clinton before the election, blame Millennials because they didn't turn out to vote for Clinton like they did for Obama, blame sexism and racism, blame it on the "Bernie bro's", even though more Sanders supporters turned out to vote for Clinton than Clinton supporters did for Obama in 2008..

It's everyone else's fault..


The reality is, until the Democratic party starts paying attention to the American working class' interests, they will continue to lose elections to Republicans at all levels of government. Republicans have control of the white house, the congress, the supreme court, the majority of state legislatures and governorships, as George Carlin would say "They got us by the balls". The saddest part about it is that a significant majority of the American people actually agree with the things Democratic politicians say they support; higher minimum wage, action on climate change, universal healthcare, ect., and yet, they don't vote for them in enough numbers for them to win elections. Racism and sexism cannot be the answer to why so many Americans who support democratic positions have abandoned the Democratic party in droves. Working class people are tired of getting shafted by corporations and by the government. Donald Trump tapped into that with a winning message, and people decided "Yeah, he might say some racist shit, but anything is better than this!" 9% of registered Democrats voted for Trump.
Blame James Comey, even though he officially cleared Clinton before the election

we literally spent 9 of the last 11 days before the election talking about whether hillary clinton was going to jail or something and it all turned out to be 100% bullshit.

blame Millennials because they didn't turn out to vote for Clinton like they did for Obama

hillary will end up with as many votes as obama had in 2012 though.

blame sexism and racism

i do. i also blame rain for being wet.

until the Democratic party starts paying attention to the American working class' interests

are you fucking retarded?

what part of killing the estate tax is gonna help "the working class"?

Americans who support democratic positions have abandoned the Democratic party in droves.

except for the fact that they haven't.
we literally spent 9 of the last 11 days before the election talking about whether hillary clinton was going to jail or something and it all turned out to be 100% bullshit.
We did, working class America didn't. If they did, they also read Comey's reiteration of the previous investigation; No charges, which is the reason Clinton saw a bump up in the polls days before the election;


hillary will end up with as many votes as obama had in 2012 though.
Even if she does, the reason she lost isn't because of millennials
So 9% of Democrats are racist and sexist?
are you fucking retarded?

what part of killing the estate tax is gonna help "the working class"?
Were you awake during Donald Trump's campaign? He doesn't have to follow through on anything to win, all he had to do was convince enough people that he would. Democrats have had 8 years to fix the problem and they've squandered it with establishment shills at the head of the party who only pay attention to their donors interests. They've appointed the richest member of congress to head the minority leadership for fucks sake. I'd say they're a tad out of touch with the interests of working class Americans.
except for the fact that they haven't.
Well, good luck to you in 2018, then. Because if the Democratic leadership within the party still decides to go to bat for Wall St. and corporations, they'll lose regardless of what the Republicans do in the next 2 years.

Just you wait and see
We did, working class America didn't. If they did, they also read Comey's reiteration of the previous investigation; No charges, which is the reason Clinton saw a bump up in the polls days before the election;


it was literally national news. even cletus and joe McSisterfucker get national news.

and the last minute announcement that it was all bullshit was not helpful at all. imagine if you were running for president, and the last two days of your election were filled with headlines of "curtis dodges prison again!".

horrible fucking optics. blatant interference.

Even if she does, the reason she lost isn't because of millennials


So 9% of Democrats are racist and sexist?

probably closer ro 20-25%, if the polls can be believed.

Democrats have had 8 years to fix the problem and they've squandered it with establishment shills at the head of the party who only pay attention to their donors interests.

manufacturing jobs increased under obama. taxes went down under obama. there was an even "making work pay" tax credit under obama.

should he have just barnstormed through rural michigan sucking the dicks of racist white rural dwellers?

I'd say they're a tad out of touch with the interests of working class Americans.

yeah, but a 70 year old (fake) billionaire who stiffs contractors, buys chinese steel, and said to let the auto industry die is the friend of the rural midwestern. got it.

Well, good luck to you in 2018, then. Because if the Democratic leadership within the party still decides to go to bat for Wall St. and corporations, they'll lose regardless of what the Republicans do in the next 2 years.

Just you wait and see

easiest prediction ever. democrats will be defending 25 senate seats in 2018, the GOP only 8. and the democrats have way more seats to defend in republican states than the GOP has to defend in blue states.

you are a hack and a spoiled little bernie-child. just vote trump, he earned your vote in 2020 with tulsi gabbard.