Well-Known Member
Thorium salt reactors.
Show me one that's operational.
Solar, wind, tide, geothermal- these are all operational NOW, which is when we need them.
Thorium salt reactors.
Uh, no. Accountants always discount risk or cost of accidents. Not on purpose but because nobody can tell what the risk is until it happens. Then it is too late. They do due diligence and can show plenty of scenarios and calculations but the odd strange events that are not anticipated are ones blow the cost equations when they occur. Fukushima was completely unaccounted for. It alone is making nuclear not viable in Japan. We had Three Mile Island -- a near miss but it came pretty close to becoming a regional disaster and rendering an entire metropolis unlivable. No accountant would include that in his analysis. Not for public consumption at least.
I'm aware of some newer tech but it's still in the lab and limited implemetation stages for good reason. Not ready for prime time. When a really safe tech comes available then the discussion can open. But not the stuff available now. I'm good with investing in research, just not agreeing that nuclear is ready to be reconsidered as a main player in our energy future.
Still in the development stage, not operational. If you read about it, it sounds great but if it is so great then why isn't it out of the lab yet? People love to talk about future tech and how wonderful it is when still in the lab. That's how grants get awarded.Show me one that's operational.
well, there is that...If it can poison humans for 50,000 years, maybe it isn't worth the power it can generate for 50.
I know and even if he did, he would have gotten his ass beat the fuck down trying to play a motherfucker.
I do believe he has a shitty product though
silly why would I need to buy from you ??? but thanks for letting us know you sell a shitty product. i certainly don't fuck with a loser low life like that
little too early in the evening to be piss drunk, isn't it?
Sorry. I thought we were comparing air to food.I'm not sure what you mean??
Since you mentioned steak though, the global meat industry contributes more pollutants than every car, truck, freighter, train, and airplane on the planet.
so you saying you a young girl ? I knew itSame reason you would try and pee on me R Kelly lol.
Yeah but to still try and sell it is pretty lowlife. You make a shitty product give it away or smoke it with friends. Learn from your mistake and try again. Only a lowlife loser would go out and try to sell as fuckin rockin hydrowell, he does grow in a trailer. so not sure what else anyone would expect.
Uh, no. Accountants always discount risk or cost of accidents. Not on purpose but because nobody can tell what the risk is until it happens. Then it is too late. They do due diligence and can show plenty of scenarios and calculations but the odd strange events that are not anticipated are ones blow the cost equations when they occur. Fukushima was completely unaccounted for. It alone is making nuclear not viable in Japan. We had Three Mile Island -- a near miss but it came pretty close to becoming a regional disaster and rendering an entire metropolis unlivable. No accountant would include that in his analysis. Not for public consumption at least.
I'm aware of some newer tech but it's still in the lab and limited implemetation stages for good reason. Not ready for prime time. When a really safe tech comes available then the discussion can open. But not the stuff available now. I'm good with investing in research, just not agreeing that nuclear is ready to be reconsidered as a main player in our energy future.
I know and even if he did, he would have gotten his ass beat the fuck down trying to play a motherfucker.
I do believe he has a shitty product though
Would you like to compare death rates by energy source? Nuclear vs wind perhaps? Including Fukishima death rate of ZERO.'
Account that shit.
Sorry. I thought we were comparing air to food.
Bad joke. Lol
I was asking if it was as bad as china. Smog soup sounds like china.
LOL you get the blender bag lol that would have been over a decade ago. We can match on the good stuff, see what's what. All the while I get zero beat downs at Myrtle Beach. Never have, never will tourist.
so you saying you a young girl ? I knew it
Yeah but to still try and sell it is pretty lowlife. You make a shitty product give it away or smoke it with friends. Learn from your mistake and try again. Only a lowlife loser would go out and try to sell as fuckin rockin hydro
Adult girl though, sorry to disappoint.
There's some creative accounting for ya, boys; cancer deaths from radiation exposure can take years and decades and homie here has a crystal ball that sees into the future!
The only zero is your score here.
Maybe the iron butt disorder went to your head.