Make Liberalism Great Again

liberalism is alive and well, no need for a revival as thread title suggests..
Liberalism is, but the party that's supposed to represent it isn't doing a very good job of it. The Democratic Party has become the party of Wall Street. Liberalism values workers rights. The two are diametrically opposed, which is the single largest variable as to why the Democrats lost the election.

Make the Democratic Party great again, like FDR and LBJ great, only better. Make it great or purge it from existence and let a new, legitimately liberal party emerge that actually represents the middle-class and end the Republican stranglehold all across the country
liberalism is alive and well, no need for a revival as thread title suggests..

I disagree. A movement is dying when the opposition is able to frame its dialogue and ideas in their terms.

Liberalism is not doing well in the United States today. Witness the outcome of the election; a republican President, Congress and Senate.
Liberalism is, but the party that's supposed to represent it isn't doing a very good job of it. The Democratic Party has become the party of Wall Street. Liberalism values workers rights. The two are diametrically opposed, which is the single largest variable as to why the Democrats lost the election.

Make the Democratic Party great again, like FDR and LBJ great, only better. Make it great or purge it from existence and let a new, legitimately liberal party emerge that actually represents the middle-class and end the Republican stranglehold all across the country

+rep :clap:
how bout those Trump Stocks, Catepillar, HSA health savings acct- holyshit, Trumps KillN it and he aint Pres yet. Dump that Obama health care crap stock all it did is give us grey hair.. Trump for a second term, Long live the King! Hillary was owned by Dow/Dupont merge, Her super pac is about to become the biggest Corp monster ever when they merge with Bayer/Monsanto - it was the end of cannabis legal as we know it... Trump supporters stopped that take over but we saw what happen to JFK when you mess with Hillary and Huma club...
Have I told you about my cat Panhead?
you're only calling it bullshit because it applies. i've seen you deride "SJWs" and haven't forgotten about your friendship with bravedave of white supremacy avatar infamy.
Tell me more, please. I so enjoy your trolling! Maybe a few more false accusations against me and I'll start supporting Pelosi?
Tell me more, please. I so enjoy your trolling! Maybe a few more false accusations against me and I'll start supporting Pelosi?

Hey POS, why didn't you answer my question. Why do you think we should nominate a dead gorilla for president in 2020? If you can't explain it, we'll assume your just trolling:-)
Libs are lead by EVIL
Pot & politics are my game, I'll throw down some crazy facts that none of you would follow my links to verify so I'll just say it. Bill Clinton was in on the Jon Bennett murder, Hillary and Huma were part of it and sex orgies on sex island, Gruccifer and Assange dumped these fact but the Media still covers it up,,, Clinton satanic sex group is led by the warlock and witch that live down the street from me in Northglenn co, yes the FBI visit to the home is well documented but covered up cuz you dont know about it,,, Cathy O Brien knows the whole story... The Clinton are straight up with the devil. The Machine (ancient device to rape and strangle kids made of pig metal) pics cant be found on the internet anymore, that killed Jon Bonnett was taken by the FBI, the pics of the stun gun marks on that kid are photoshoped, the real photos of that kids are horrifying, those are fake,, I'll see if I can find the Pic of what Billy C (owner) did to that kid.

Please take a look into the Illuminati Harriman family connection to Colonel Russell Williams. The Harriman’s are Satanists connected to the Russell Trust and its Chapter 322 roots. Look into the wealth and power of Edward H. Harriman and the connection to the Bush family. Jesuit trained (Georgetown University) William Clinton the former-President of the United States was very connected to Pamela Harriman. Where ever you look you will find connections to the opium trade such as the Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation (House of Keswick) link to Andrew Saxton a member of the Canadian government.
Just one article that Barely scratches the surface.
If you want to learn and it will take lot of research to prove this to yourself and you'll say Dam that Lino reads to much shit. This next link lays down the truth and you can google to see I'm correct and save yourself looking like dumb ass like me when I show you the truth... The real pics of what that machine and perv did to that kid are some of the sickest shit Ive seen. I'm still looking for the real pics, not the fake stun gun pics... Hillary part of this satanic shit also

AND THEN THERE IS HUMA, holy shit,,,straight up muslim brotherhood spy,,, 5 members of congress tried to stop H & H, those chicks would kill james bond,,, bad Azzs, those pics of H & H with heads covered and machine gun bodyguards turnout to be real wikileaks from assange... You guy vote for that shit,,, thats more perverted than what clintons did to Jon Bennet Ramsey

If you seek the truth you can start here, EVIL O'Brien JonBenet.html

H & H treason bitches should be shot,,, scared ol Trumpy away didnt they? FACTS HOMIES