Make Some $$ In the Marijuana Industry


Active Member
I currently live in an area where it is not legal to cultivate Marijuana. I have now been growing for a number of years in both soil and Hydro (ebb and flow, DWC, Wic) using many different nutrients, schedules ect.. I am VERY good at it, in fact, I have found that it is the only thing in my life that I have ever been interested in, but unfortunately do not live in a place where I can make a career out of it, at least not legally. I would like to relocate and work in this Industry, but need to line something up before my family and I pack up and move. Does anyone have any advice or know of any jobs anywhere to plug in to? I have a very hard work ethic, am very intelligent and I learn new things quickly and I have a passion for cannabis and all that entails. Please respond with serious responses only. Thank you
yea ditto


I know people in cali with mmj cards they might be able to help

Alaska | California | Colorado | District of Columbia | Hawaii | Maine | Maryland | Michigan | Montana | Nevada | New Jersey | New Mexico | Oregon | Rhode Island | Vermont | Washington
got that off NORML

its legal now too and some other places closer than cali I just dont know anyone there with MMJ cards. It would probably be better to go to one where its new and not so many people are doing it IDK

id say just move shop...if you build it they will come.. I just dont have the money saved up to move right now or I would


Active Member
yea ditto


I know people in cali with mmj cards they might be able to help

Alaska | California | Colorado | District of Columbia | Hawaii | Maine | Maryland | Michigan | Montana | Nevada | New Jersey | New Mexico | Oregon | Rhode Island | Vermont | Washington
got that off NORML

its legal now too and some other places closer than cali I just dont know anyone there with MMJ cards. It would probably be better to go to one where its new and not so many people are doing it IDK

id say just move shop...if you build it they will come.. I just dont have the money saved up to move right now or I would

I would love to just go work for a grower until i save enough to start my own, I just can't uproot my family without a reliable job already lined up. I'm 25 and need to do this as my career. I just can't let the opportunity pass.
not MD dunno why thats in there. Im 26 and feel the same way. What state would be best to go? Clientele isnt hard to find...neither is a job or a place for rent just look on craigs list (i was) for some job to get you by untill the opp is in full bloom


Well-Known Member
You're moving your family (possibly out of state) and are going to rely on growing Marijuana as your source of income?

/shakes head

I will tell you what I tell all the kiddies with dollar signs in their eyes.

Get a job at a fast food resturant. Climb the corporate ladder, you will be surprised how far up it goes. You will also be surprised on how many people would be interested in buying Marijuana.


Active Member
You're moving your family (possibly out of state) and are going to rely on growing Marijuana as your source of income?

/shakes head

I will tell you what I tell all the kiddies with dollar signs in their eyes.

Get a job at a fast food resturant. Climb the corporate ladder, you will be surprised how far up it goes. You will also be surprised on how many people would be interested in buying Marijuana.
Although I appreciate the input, that is what I'm trying to avoid. The marijuana industry is one of the fastest growing industries right now. Last year alone it is estimated that over 2 billion dollars was generated through marijuana manufacturing and distribution. You should be telling the " kiddies to find a way into that market and fast. Just saying....
You're moving your family (possibly out of state) and are going to rely on growing Marijuana as your source of income?

/shakes head

I will tell you what I tell all the kiddies with dollar signs in their eyes.

Get a job at a fast food resturant. Climb the corporate ladder, you will be surprised how far up it goes. You will also be surprised on how many people would be interested in buying Marijuana.
O I got a good job make 500+week after taxes works just slow now. I have trade skills. Like bkcsg said the pot industry is booming and its what we like to do.

Of course anyone would get a job to lean on until the shits going I already said... employment should not hard to find. I meant a 8-5 normal job

Its just saving up the 5k to get there and for a place to rent is kind of hard when you already have a lot of bills. I would want at least that much cash to move out of state and would have to have a job lined up when I get there.


Well-Known Member
IDK man it seems liek there is way more money sellin illegally than the legal way. you gotta work for someone that will proably pay the same as any onther job by the hour. Or grow your own, get your own patients, and shit but that could take a while. maybe you just need to go to work lazy ass.


Well-Known Member
Wow, how generous of you two to consider growing Medical Marijuana for compassionate reasons. Many states prohibit unreasonable profiteering from growing and providing, other than to recoup costs associated with producing. There is going to be a lot of big money chasing opportunities in MJ as they present themselves. If you have no personal strains, or something to offer, they'll not look at you twice unless you are applying to be a farm hand. I don't know any rich farm hands.

If you want to be successful in the weed biz, relocate to a legal state close to your current home and grow your ass off, and take some product back to your old home when you visit. You'll be breaking the law and shiz, but you'll have an opp to make some real money. Please don't plan on charging old people with cancer and shit big bucks for Z's...


Well-Known Member
Get another job - you need legitimate money going into an account. Then live as much as you can off your MJ earnings - which is in cash. Draw some out of your account - you have to pay your rent and bills - but you don´t drink or smoke tobacco - your needs are small, OK.


feck all wrong with this idea, we need more good growers on this plannet ;-0) just paid £185 in england for 28g of male leaves so im all for it ! im getting into it but small scale just weighed up last nite it took me 8 weeks for 12g moist but sht its amazing i'd so love to go bigger but u know what its like here, but tell ya what if my electrician work doesnt pick up i might consider jumping on the band waggon i'd love to be like mr green off utube lol but yer if you could open a pipeline to the uk you would be a millionaire overnight no sht !


Active Member
IDK man it seems liek there is way more money sellin illegally than the legal way. you gotta work for someone that will proably pay the same as any onther job by the hour. Or grow your own, get your own patients, and shit but that could take a while. maybe you just need to go to work lazy ass.
If it pays the same... GREAT because I'd be doing what I love. I never said I was trying to get rich, just make a career out of my passion. And you said get a job lazy ass?!? Have you even grown before? Because there is nothing lazy about it if you are doing it right, it's alot of work. Lazy... LOL


Well-Known Member
Follow your dreams..... It's just a shame that a family is involved before you have a chance to prove yourself. If you fail, they all suffer. Save money and buy some land. Join the Army and plan on growing when you get out.


Well-Known Member
buy a shitload. cheap enough shit if you now the right people and are willing to invest a fortune on some shit that could be wet, could be dank has fuck but shit, lucky to break even or make enough to smoke yourself. if you can grow plants like you say, legal highs are the best E.G. pharmacueticals make more money and wont get fucked over, anyway happy growing..


Well-Known Member
One thing that people forget about growing Marijuana for medicinal users is that medicinal users normally have zero cash.

I knew many medicinal users and the ones that did not grow were scavengers. Always looking for a free handout and the cheapest deal. Why do you think they have "bouncers" at these dispensaries? They have them to keep the "moochers" in check.

Not to mention that many growers donate their excess weed to these dispensers, so you are competing with people who hand out free weed!

If you want to make cash, sell Ketamine, Cocaine or Meth.

If you have a family, don't sell at all.


Well-Known Member
check things out in November. Some med states may go legal. If you grow enough to make any real money your not legal amyway. If I grow my 15 plants and get fair yeilds I would end up with around 8lb's thats 6.5 over my legal limit. If I added another card to do 30 plants same thing. so Wa is not the place to make money off mmj at least legal. If you want to make money don't try it legal.