make the question for the answer

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PPP Pure Pothead Person

Well-Known Member
right here's the plan its kinda like an opposite to questions and answers as its going to be answers then questions (still dont get me?)

i will leave an answer ok

the person below me will invent the question that created that answer

that person will then leave an answer

i think we can have fun with this (i hope or it was pointless)lmao

for example;
A: half a twiglet

the next person would then leave the question to the answer

for example;
Q: what would victoria beckham class as a filling meal

then leave their answer to be questioned i hope u understand me so here goes here is my answer.

A: margaret thatcher.


Well-Known Member
What was the kids name that you was trying to have sex with only to get busted by dateline "To Catch A Predator" ?

Chocolate Covered Strawberries


Well-Known Member
this is soooooo childish. shows the mentality of pot heads. how old are you guys?

could have been a cool thread.
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