Make this bud?


Active Member
yes you can get it to bud. for you to get ur bud cus i can kind of tell with all your posts in newb central.. but it takes 8 weeks of flowering stage to get yourself some bud possibly longer.


so how would i induce flowering? throw a garbage bag over it? and switch lighting from twelve to twelve or what? cuz i am outdoor


Putting a garbage bag over it would do you no good. With being an outdoor grower - you kind of gave up the ability of light control, imo. If I'm wrong..someone correct me.


Well-Known Member
My Dad has a toilet within his workshop/garage that's pretty much light sealed and that worked. You just need somewhere that lets almost NO light in. Even indoors would be cool, just be careful not to have night time temps higher than daytime. ;-)


itll b a bitch to get up real early for 12 hours sun thengettin back home at the right time to put back inside for 12/12 tho


Well-Known Member
yea but i dont wanna wait another mmonth or two for bud man i got college startin back real soon
That my friend is nature for you. The very shortest that it will take for buds to grow and mature is 6 weeks - and that's if its a VERY short flowering strain.